Prophecy Of My Selfish People, Damned Forever

10 months ago

Prophecy Of My Selfish People, Damned Forever

"Selfish people infest the world, My son. They are everywhere. My Church is full of them. They want Me not. They only want what they can get out of Me- healing, prosperity, salvation, deliverance, and more. They only want Me for what they want. Few serve Me in Spirit and Truth. They shall be saved. The rest will be damned, My son. They want Me not. They refuse to pray and do My will on Earth. They will not obey, My son, to take My Gospel to all nations. They will not repent of their wicked ways nor do my will. They have no knowledge of Me in their heart for they will not serve Me. They are too selfish- they have no relationship with Me. They will be damned forever because they will not serve Me. They have no relationship with Me for they will not work with Me to save the world. Selfish people will be damned forever from My Presence because they will not obey Me. They do not know Me and I do not know them. They will be damned forever. Obey Me. Thus says the LORD. Amen."
"They will not follow. Damned forever, My people." "Selfish people will not make it in. Amen."

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