A Look at Taylor Swift's Energies Past, Present and Future!

11 months ago

A tarot reading on Taylor Swift's past, present, and future energies. In the past, it is revealed that there has been information and success in her life, but also some hidden aspects. Currently, Taylor Swift is experiencing disillusionment and dashed dreams. In the future, it is predicted that the truth about her will come out, leading to pain and a need for justice. In a higher frequency reading, it is suggested that Taylor Swift is experiencing a duality of light and darkness, and she is on a healing journey to find balance and understanding of herself.
Taylor Swift has had success in the past, but there are hidden aspects and information about her that may be revealed.
Currently, she is experiencing disillusionment and dashed dreams.
In the future, the truth about her will come out, leading to pain and a need for justice.
In a higher frequency reading, it is suggested that Taylor Swift is on a healing journey to find balance and understanding of herself.

Legal Disclaimer: The information provided during tarot card readings is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot card readings are not a substitute for professional, legal, financial, medical, or psychiatric advice or treatment.

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