Hope in Christ's Resurrection and Newness of Life Ever After - Hope of better Days - 3 - 30 - 24

11 months ago

Hope in Christ's Resurrection and Newness of Life Ever After - Hope of better Days - 3 - 30 - 24

Video Sources - News Max - https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng

Ps - We had a great time with the the boys - it was a little cold bu not bad, frosty in the morning - some rain - saw beautiful white birds - not sure they were pelicans - also saw two Bald Eagles fighting it out spinning in mid air with Tetons out - baked a cherry Pie - baked a fruit cobbler - had to watch for exploding sandstone - on the fire pit - warmed up in RV - ran home to visit mom and see if she was doing okay - visited Pompey's Pillar - it's still closed for the season - Abigail wanted pop corn but we didn't bring kernels - Abigail and two smaller boys slept in the RV - with stove on so they were warmer - we tried to catch some fish and didn't have much luck or skill in doing so - there was fog after the frost Friday morning - had to keep wiping front windows down - to see - I really need to see if the defroster works in the Old machine - it's snowing East of Billings MT - today - we had rain turn to ice and now snow - Abigail had to fix a flat after filling it up with air - Everett my brother brought over a zero turn mower and we tested it out - waiting for real spring to water the grass and get tried out - also waiting for the grass catcher on the back - it's a 52 in mower - it beats pushing the grass mower by hand - which we did all last summer as we tried and mostly failed to get the old tractor mower fixed... Real life - real problems and real solutions - that's life - a thousand times better than the internet! You know what I mean!

Happy Easter and on with our faith and challenges of life!

Jesus will come and change us and this world for the better in the mean time we work on making things better.. Have faith - hope and apply Charity to others as we move forward together!

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