Let the Men Fall

11 months ago

Let the men fall

Let them experience the full weight of their tower moments of poor judgment calls finally collapsing down, and allow them the space to learn how to rebuild in integrity

The confusion, demands and tantrums will come because they have not fully matured.

Stand strong and do not spoil that man by doing it for him, or making him feel comfortable in the transitions, because you will raise a man-child sucking your spiritual tits dry.

#SpiritualAdulting #RawLove #InnerWork #ShadowWork #Transformation #Reprogramming #SubconsciousReprogramming #GrowAGarden #InnerGarden #TowerMoment #Transition #Metamorphosis #Codependency #DivineMasculine #DivineFeminine #DivineUnion #NewYear #NewBeginning #NewLife #BornAgain #Rebirth

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