Special Collaboration: How Your Faith Has Influenced Your Gaming with Dan & Kristen

10 months ago

“I guess it just never crossed my mind.”
~ Dan

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Ministry channel: The Gentle Voice TV

Guest: Avenue Studios

Temple of Light from Fable {PC}
Temple of Time from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time {N64}
Cathedral of Shadows #1 from Shin Megami Tensei IV {DS/3DS}
Manoria Cathedral from Chrono Trigger {SNES}
The Temple Band from Final Fantasy X {PS2}
Temple Gate from Grim Fandango {PC}
Voices of the Temple from Donkey Kong Country {SNES}
Temple of God from Shin Megami Tensei V {Switch}
Temple from World of Warcraft {PC}
Phendrana Drifts (Chapel of the Elders) from Metriod Prime {GameCube}
The Holy Valley from Rogue Galaxy {PS2}
Prayer of the Holy Mother from Albert Odyssey Gaiden {Sega Genesis/Mega Drive}
Mysterious Shrine from Super Adventure Island II {SNES}
A Shrine Untouched from The Legend of Legacy {DS/3DS}
Prayer from Shadow of the Colossus {PS2}
Divine Ancestry by Adrian von Zeigler {Album}
Firelink Shrine from Dark Souls {PC}
Infinite Perspective by Kevin Macleod {Album}
Temple from Final Fantasy {NES}

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