CCP Hacked Into Miles’ Phone and Used Remote Towing Technology to Control His Yacht Seven Years Ago

11 months ago

03/28/2024 Roy on Stinchfield Tonight: Seven years ago, CCP hacked into Miles’ phone and used this remote towing technology to control his yacht. And the yacht lost control and was spinning in the middle of Hudson River. We believe the missing Malaysia airline MH370 actually was crashed through this technology by CCP as well.
03/28/2024 罗伊做客Stinchfield Tonight:七年前,中共黑客了郭先生的手机,并用这种远程牵引技术控制了他的游艇。然后游艇失控,在哈德逊河的中央打转。我们相信马来西亚航空公司那架失踪的MH370航班也是因为中共的远程牵引技术而坠毁的。

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