5 hours of the best live I have ever been in or watched , So far. Golden Live

11 months ago

Golden Live five star. The first 24 minutes are visually lame but the conversation is always great, entirely my fault for trying to multitask and not pay attention to the pc. But I iron it out have some wig fun, and it just gets wild and out of control fun for all of us from there. We talk about famous star encounters, Dirty Jobs. Then Drew drops the bomb on his 4 million card collection, and it's epically insane . But then wait, Mark comes in from flying both sides of the fence, Hollywood and uncle scam (if I understood or maybe he meant, well, judge for yourself what he meant!) and tells us some things that were off the wall amazing, and I gotta tell ya, You can't miss this 50 shades of grey and 3 death experiences of going to the darkness ! We entice Mark to ask Alexa, and Alexa binds up really quick, she spits out a code, seems like maybe was made specifically for him ... and I was thinking - wow. This guy just top scored us all on Alexa, so we basically, I think... all collectively begged for more! We played a new, few different angles, and gave some great conversation in the process of new strategies and new less censored communication techniques. The end is worth the means, and is quite symbolic, so please consume in small bundles or binge the entire delightful unconditional love and fellowship with new friends. Because all of this together was amazing for me. I Pray you enjoy it as much as we did, let us know what you like the best, and come see us at tik tok, while the fun lasts. Unconditional Love, Special shout out to the team dream6565 and Drew1978 Gibbseffect, Gruffypuff , Tomballz , Entity, Mark, Flashmo, Hii, Shannon Grenelsh, Butterflygirl, lilmiss sunshine and so many more! I am turboworld725 thanks for partying with us fam!
We probably all will be banned from lives tomorrow after they review this. LOL.
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