Race Hustling Articles from Them Publication - Division Inducing Content

11 months ago

With that Proud Family episode from a while ago, these silly articles came out. Yeah, there is no white fragility, white privilege or anything like that. Anti racist really is code for anti white. There is no privilege that comes with whiteness. These writers and publishers do realize that their rhetoric and such just gives more reason to tell them to get bent, right? Like, if I were to see these people dangling over a balcony, I would just leave and not do anything. Hustlers who spout this crap are not my fellow anything and are completely dead to me. Robin Diangelo is a race hustling grifter who needs to disappear already, especially her attacks on Frozen and insisting that film is promoting white supremacy. More and more reasons to not come together or anything. No Kumbaya anytime soon. Conformity isn't unity. Much, much more could be said.
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Racial division and more all around. So much bull to boot.

Disclaimer: As said before, another lost soul figuring so much out after so many years. Sharing so much content out there. Who knows anymore? I guess just do what you can. I may be eligible from the recommendations.

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