Anti Racist is code for Anti White - Aztecs, Ottoman Empire, World History

10 months ago

With much of the anti white sentiment coming out, from that David Alan Grier film The American Society of Magical Negroes to the rhetoric from the likes of Joy Reid, Brandon Scott, Robin Diangelo and others or the threats from Brandon Scott, the anti white sentiment from Al Sharpton, The New Proud Family among so much more that can be named off. It's all around you, anti racist is code for anti white, especially with that Law & Order: SVU episode where that lady was basically told not to press charges because she's privileged or whatever. Just more reason to continue to be defiant and uncaring. There's no reason to be anti racist when it's code for anti white. Just a bunch of feel good mumbo jumbo that keeps continuing and continuing. Like The Neverending Story. So much more could be said.

Custom items including T-shirts, mugs, bags and many other items at Zazzle, more at the following link:

Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout:

Racial division and more all around. So much bull to boot.

Disclaimer: As said before, another wandering lost soul trying to figure so much out and mad at the world. People are bitter and angry today for good reason. So many things that are bittersweet and time just passing by. Nihilism all around. You grow up, realize you were lied to, everything you were taught and told was a lie, everything is a lie. I may be eligible from the recommendations. Do your best everyone.

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