Saved to be Saved

11 months ago

To be saved (born again) [John 3:1-6 KJV], you must first put your faith into Christ, what he has done for you on the cross. Christ died for your sins and mine [Isaiah 53:5 KJV], that we may be forgiven. Then you repent [Matthew 3:2 KJV], meaning that you turn away from doing evil, confess your sins directly to Christ (in your mind), and (if possible) confess your sins directly to those that you have done wrong to. Follow the Ten Commandments [Deuteronomy 5:7-22 KJV], and the words of Christ [John 13:34 KJV]. You change how you live your life. You live your life in a way that shows the joy, self-control [Proverbs 25:28 KJV], truth, and love for others. You know that Heaven is about happily being served and happily serving others [John 13:7-8 KJV]. Heaven is always about both. You must keep your faith in Christ, and you must change how you treat people and what you do.

Living for Christ and changing your life to follow how you need to live is not difficult, yet it takes courage, because evil will persecute you as evil does not want to change what evil does [2 Timothy 3:12 KJV, 1 Peter 3:16 KJV]. You will still have challenges, yet if you keep the faith, you will endure and you will make it into Heaven. "Turn the other cheek" [Luke 6:29 KJV], only applies in regards to verbal insults and/or a physical attack that does not cause serious injury. You do not need to repeat what Christ did on his way to the cross, you are not God. A strong person has enough self-control to not flip out over small things that may be resolved without physical retaliation. Weak leaders will always retaliate over small things. Long-suffering means that you do not ever flip out over small things, and you may endure many difficult things whether that be physical or emotional. Yet, self-defense against evil is a requirement for Christians [Luke 22:36 KJV]. Sustaining actual injury from evil is not a requirement to be a Christian. Judgment upon the wicked, including death, is mercy upon the innocent [Ezekiel 3:18 KJV]. No judgment upon the wicked makes you an unjust and wicked person yourself [Matthew 23:23 KJV]. Yet, you do not need to seek it out, just be ready to defend yourself and those around you at all times. Remember that cowards do not make it into Heaven [Revelation 21:8 KJV].

Those that you love are the ones that you speak the truth of the Gospel to, that should include everyone. A Christian will never force their belief upon another. Forcing belief upon others does not work. You speak the truth of the Gospel, then if those that you speak to accept it, then good, if they do not accept it, then shake the dust off of your feet and move on [Mark 6:11 KJV]. Be brave, stay strong, and keep the faith. Be grateful for the good that you do have. Accept the challenges in your life that Christ will help you overcome, if you consistently pray to him for help while doing everything that you are able to do to resolve your issues. You should be able to identify a Christian by how they live their life [Acts 13:47 KJV]. When you feel weak, search the scripture for your story (it is there), pray to the One True God (Yahweh), pray to Christ (Yeshua), and be honest and strong enough to admit to yourself when you feel weak. Some wisdom learned within life is that: It takes strength to admit weakness [2 Corinthians 12:10 KJV]. The Saved (those born again) will be resurrected within Christ for an eternity with no more pain, no more tears, and no more sorrow [Revelation 21:4 KJV]. You will be complete, existing within ecstasy, and Christ will tell you: "Well done!".

To learn who Christ is, the following links will help you:

King James Bible

Have a happy Resurrection Day!

Pastor Charles Lawson



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You must be saved BEFORE you call out to Christ upon your death. The thief on the cross next to Christ asked Christ to save him while he was alive, keep that in mind. Get to know who Christ is while you still have time to do so.

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