Eyewitness to Royal Elite Child Sacrifices – Ann Marie Van Blijzenburgh

5 months ago

Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, a key eyewitness to ritual child killings by Dutch royalty and other elites including George Soros, describe the murders that have occurred since 2004 in Belgium and Holland.

Ann Marie van Blijzenburgh was married to a man who formed the Octopus Syndicate, from 1960 till today as they are still operating. Under the order of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands they have organized murder, rape, torture and killing of children in a public setting.

They organized this through Youth Detention Centers in the Netherlands choosing children who had no families or advocates. The recruited kids from these centers to work for the Queen.

These centers believed the Queen was a good person.

Once they found their child that had no family and did the paperwork for dismissal of the child on a train, they picked the child up and was taken to a Fake Hotel. The child was placed on a table, given something to drink that was spiked with drugs.

There was a building beside the hotel in which the performance would take place.

People would come to that building and would sit down. The child was brought to the building where the child would be tortured, raped and brutally murdered.

Prince Johan Friso, son of Queen Beatrix attended these and had an “unhealthy” interest in children. He brought his friends with him also, so they were in this building and there were high ranking VIP’s from the Netherlands attending these torturous, raping murders.

These were always filmed so everyone could be used. Blackmail is important.

George Soros was in attendance along with other high profile ministers and officers of the Netherlands.

A main journalist was also in attendance.

Ann says she was taken there 3 times and each time there were around 50 people there. She saw 2 boys killed and 1 girl murdered.

Ann says that all the police of the Netherlands will not do anything about this. The people involved ARE the Law.

The courts told Ann that it wasn’t her problem, it was societies problem.

Ann says she is very, very angry. “If you have seen what I have seen, it always stays with you.” “It’s horrible.” “I can’t describe it.”

Ann says that her husband is still alive and still killing people.

Ann says she knows where the grave yards are of all the children, but they won’t even look because of Queen Beatrix’s involvement.

Source: The Invisible War in DUMBS and UNDERGROUND -- https://rumble.com/v4lwzd2-anne-marie-van-blijzenburgh-eyewitness-human-hunting-parties-by-royalty-and.html


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END. 4/3/2024 – 3:00 PM

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