International Public Notice: The Courts Have Been Weaponized Since 1865 By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4724 Video - International Public Notice: The Courts Have Been Weaponized Since 1865 - Friday, March 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

In May of 1865, the Territorial Rump Congress created by Lincoln in 1861 -- meaning the delegates of the Northern States and Union Army Officers appointed by Lincoln to fill the remaining empty seats -- set up ten (10) new Military Districts in the eleven Southern States.

In each of these new Military Districts they created a District Court, run by an appointed General of at least Brigadier rank. It was his job to hire Jurists (from the North) to set up and run these new (Military) District Courts. The action doing this is plain upon the Congressional records for May of 1865 -- the busy month after Lee's surrender.

These quasi-military Courts became known as "Carpetbagger Courts" because the Hired Jurists were imported from the Northern States and many arrived carrying cloth luggage made out of material more commonly used to make cheap floor rugs.

The purpose of these quasi-military courts was to: (1) subject the former "rebels" to military law and order; (2) extract "war reparations" from the Southerners and the Southern States by means of illegal confiscation carried out with a veneer of Due Process.

These courts had nothing whatsoever to do with justice.

They were created for the purposes of political suppression and physical control of the population, and to punish the "rebels" by taking whatever little of value that they had left -- mainly their land, which was seized, added to the new State Trust, and given over to the control of the British Monarch who "held title" on behalf of the U.S. Citizens who populated the U.S. Army.

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