Quantum Power Cell

10 months ago

Here I show you how to mix a very easy to make solid state electrolyte. All you need is to add some hot water to mix a paste that hardens in place into a ceramic/crystal like substance that molds into place a dry cell. The advantage is no corrosion in a traditional sense. Minus the normal environmental impacts.

How it works in short. Solid state ion flow, Ions jump from one point to another in the material rather then free flowing. Electron flow can't happen in a traditional sense, So Quantum tunneling effects along with electrostatic and triboelectrically systems instead make the "magic" happen.

Advantage, Could operate a lifetime. Under proper care. And pro build.
Self re-gauging. In Tom Bearden perspective.

So this video is a focus on solid state electrolyte and at the end I show a working demo of the cell producing real volts! I'm already running small DC motors and transistor oscillator circuits with these.

Of course down the road it would be a crucial to make these more thin and wafer like to stack with the electrets and piezo capacitor plates. More on that stack on my previous video. That is the end result goals.

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