They can now infect you in the air or in your food

10 months ago

✈️☠️ Dr. Giordano talks about how he and his colleagues in the NATO medical branches were able to create a substance that can be spread in a certain area and as soon as you breathe it in you get a stroke they call it smart dust.

💊 First hand testimony of a sky sprayer

☠️✈️ Spraying sulfuric acid that kills a million people every year is the solution to the "climate change" problem

🌬️H.A.A.R.P + Chemtrails = Climate Hoax

✈️☠️💨 No more conspiracy theory - CIA director admits to using Chemtrail, injecting toxic aerosols into the stratosphere. But it's all for our benefit. ‌⚰️⁩

✈️ Chemtrails explained ☠️🪳

💀 Operation Popeye - A chemical weather modification program carried out by the U.S. during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972.

💉 Avoiding needles is not enough:
They can now infect you in the air or in your food

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