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Elijah Streams - Barry Wunsch - The Battle of the Ages - Captions
Kelsey O’Malley interviews Barry Wunsch, The Canadian Hammer. Barry discusses a new quantum network, assets transferred to the righteous, words for the Church, America, and more!
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✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Hey, everyone, and welcome to Elijah Streams. Today is Friday, March 8th, 2024. I'm your host, Kelsey O'Malley, filling in for Steve Schultz. Steve is currently hanging out with Rob and Bullock. They get to be together this weekend. They'll be taping their intelligence briefing, which will hopefully be out very soon.
We'll keep you updated on that. Happy Friday! I can't believe already it's Friday for you guys. We are pre recording today's episode. Oops, my clock's over there. So if you see the date flip, we are pre recording. So it is Friday for you, March 8th, I promise. And I'm so glad to be wrapping up You're week with you today.
My guest is Barry lunch. I have not been on with Barry in a while, so I was so excited to see him again. Um, and just reading through all his notes, the prophetic encounters that he is sharing today are amazing. They are like. So just be prepared. Today's show is going to be amazing. It will keep you on the edge of your seat for sure.
Hearing what God's saying about things within the church, within Canada, America, with the stock market. Um, It's going to be awesome. So can't wait to bring him on and him share everything with you guys. But before I do, we're so excited about what God is doing through your generous giving to Elijah Streams.
You're making a difference in Uganda where you're giving provides clean water for mothers who do so much to provide for their family. This is a look at one of those mothers. We are celebrating. Why? Because thousands of people cannot access clean water. And thousands have given their lives to Jesus because of the clean water wells that have been drilled.
You are truly saving lives. You have no idea the peace of mind that you have brought to the mothers in these villages. Now, their young daughters don't have to travel alone for miles and miles to collect water. Instead, they can focus on school and family. Everyone is rejoicing and giving thanks. May God bless you all.
Come with me as we go visit one of the mothers that you have impacted. Hello. Hi. Happy to see you, honey. Hi. Hey, I'm here with Pegson's family. Pegson is a mother of eight and she lives with some of her grandchildren. Before the new water wells were drilled in this community, they would walk two hours to the old water source to collect water.
It was very hard for them.
But now, everything has changed because they now have a new water source. Because of you, the water source is just two minutes away from their home. Stories have changed. Thank you for being a blessing. May God bless you. We would like to say, Thank you!
Thank you again so much for your giving and your generosity. It is very much appreciated. These testimonies are just so beautiful. All these, um, videos that they've put together to watch, it just so touches your heart because you can feel the love of God. You can see on their faces. I mean, they have been touched by your giving.
By us caring enough to send someone over there to go drill a well so they have fresh water so they don't have to walk two hours to get water. I mean, dirty water at that. So thank you guys again. So, so very much. Um, it's impacting many, many lives. All right. My guest today is the founder of, uh, the Canadian hammer.
Well, that's, that's really, I think your nickname, Barry, right? The Canadian hammer. Uh, he is a prophet and an apostle, and he always has amazing revelation from the spirit of God for us. right now. So please help me welcome my guest today, Barry Wunsch.
Barry, is your nickname the Canadian Hammer? And that became your ministry? How did that happen? You know, hi Kelsey. You know what ended up happening is years ago, uh, we went to a meeting, my wife and I, and there was a prophet there named Shamblin Stone, and He called me out and, uh, he said, you're a hammer, you're a hammer, you're a hammer.
Wow. But a hammer is only really, you know, when the master carpenter picks the hammer up off of the workbench and swings it, now you've got something, you know, and, uh, is not my word like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces, all of that. And, uh, You know, and he had a word, you know, along with that, actually, that was, you know, you're going to carry, you know, people will melt kind of as you share and do whatever.
But anyway, I was in construction at the time and I thought, Hey, I'm a hammer, you know, we're builders, you know, that kind of makes sense. That is so cool. Yeah. Until years later, decades later when the Lord called me, you know, into this, you know, like he has, and I was okay, I get it. Makes sense. Lord. Lord.
Lord. Makes sense. But, you know, even looking back at, at your history and saying, okay, I was in construction and I got, I received a prophetic word. Obviously, a prophetic word that helped shape a lot of what you're doing now, what you said years and years later, that's so encouraging because I think we all forget people who we feel like are at right at like their heads on the chest of the Lord, like they hear his heartbeat.
They didn't start like that. They received some commissioning from the Lord. They received a prophetic word. They believed it. And then they waited for the Lord to release them, obviously, because you didn't do it right away. Right? No, you know, uh, it's kind of, you know, I think we, we get a prophetic word and we, you know, we think, okay, we're thinking Learjet, you know, we're going to get there, this is going to happen.
And the Lord is kind of thinking, Hmm, Camel and, and, and the process actually is, I think, as important as the, as the destination, like the journey is part. And so the timing between a call and a commission, you know, honestly, you know, I think there's decades. Where the Lord is dealing with our character, he's dealing with us that, that he can prepare us for, for what he's called us into.
No, not that for everybody, but for me, it certainly was. Yep. And it's encouraging because you're right. When we receive a prophetic word, especially a powerful one like that, where people say, I see you doing this or going to the nations, we're thinking, okay, next week, like, what should I pack in my suitcase?
Who's going to call me on the phone. And it doesn't always work like that and not to be discouraged because We look back and we see all that God has done in our lives and how he fulfills the prophetic word and how he, like you said, he shapes us and molds us. And it's just so encouraging. I, I love hearing people's testimony of their call and the word they received and then what they're walking in now.
It's, I love asking people who are walking in their destiny right now. Hey, how did this all start for you? Because no one starts at the, you know, full blown at the top. God, Brings you through a process. Yeah, he does. You know, you fall, you skin your knees, you know, you make your mistakes, you get up, you hurt, you know, he, he deals with you, he puts you through the wine press and you know, at the time you wonder, you know, are we going to make it?
And, and honestly, I think as long as we have something in our hand that we can trust, most of us will. Yes. Until, until it's, it's all taken. It's all, you know, it's kind of all gone. And uh, for me, that's kind of how it was. And then, you know, hang on. And from that point, from that low point is when the supernatural just starts to, starts to go.
So I'm very grateful. And even when you're walking in the fulfillment of the prophetic word now. Is it all mountaintop experiences like you think to get into that for a second, because I want people to really know, you know, this is, this is what it's like walking in your destiny. It's, it's, is it all mountaintop?
Well, I tell you, Kelsey, I mean, you should, you should ask my, my family that my wife and my family. Yeah. When you really, uh, start to walk in, you know, into this and the cost that comes with it, uh, there's a full on surrender, you know, and, and there's an intercessory part that comes, there's spiritual warfare that comes, there's threats, there's a barrage of all sorts of things that we have, and, uh, you know, I don't think, you know, if you really would know before you get down the path, you know, You know, to count the cost, would have I really said yes, you know, probably, you know, maybe, but, but as he comes in his grace and, and lead you down and, you know, he told me when we started out, I'll, I'll never leave you.
I'll be with you. And, uh, you know, even today, some of the things that I have to bring to share are, you know, I wrestled with the Lord, like some of this is hard and yet I will be obedient and, uh, and so we will be. And he's been faithful. Yes, amen. All right, Barry. Well, let's get into some of some of those words today.
Why don't you? Start with Your encounter on on February 23rd. Okay. Hey, well Lord as we go here today, Lord I just asked that you'd come and you would just cover us Lord I asked for a fresh baptism of your love father for each and every son and daughter that that That sees this and listens and watches.
Holy Spirit, I ask for just a release of your glory into their lives and your love, Father, in each and every one of them. And Lord, I pray that you'd illuminate those things by your Spirit, Father, that you're doing, that you're saying, that they may, uh, that these words, Lord, may fulfill what they've, Been set out to do and Lord, I pray that every, every word Lord, that is, that might be off the mark or I pray that it would fall to the ground and die the Lord.
I pray that fathers. We go in here today. Lord, that you just would cover us and I call for Michael. I call for Enoch. I call for Raphael. I call for defender. I call for the host of the Republic. I call for the host of the Dominion. I call for the camouflage host. I call for provider, diverter, connector, advancer, collaborator, unifier, contender, and destroyer to go with us on this day before us, with us, and behind us.
So we may fulfill all that you have for us on this day in Jesus name. Amen. So, so, you know, I was saying, uh, you know, this word, you know, I woke up, uh, early in the morning around three o'clock on February 23rd. We just got back from a trip and, and, uh, and I'm going to say, this is a hard word to bring. And, you know, I've wrestled with him on this one and it's, again, that intercessory part Anyways, just kind of breaking me.
So I just pray that the Lord would, uh, you know, release his love, you know, today as this goes out and, and may it stir up, uh, what he intends. But, but as he, as he woke me up and, and I mean, this is raw as it gets, I mean, there's no sugar coating this one. Uh, and I noticed, and I, I just, I shared out of obedience and out of the fear of the Lord, as I said, but here it is.
Uh, he said, Barry. Tell my pastors that there's blood on their pulpits and blood on their hands, for you've been silent and you haven't raised your voice, for you have failed to confront Jezebel's sexual immorality, and there are many among you who drink from her cup, you've drifted away from your first love, and you've let fear of man silence your voice, Controlled by religious and political spirits that manipulate you to dance to their tune.
To the church here and abroad, have I not called you by name? Have I not called you to lay down your life? And have I not shown you my great love? And yet you compromise, continue to compromise my word and my kingdom ways. For you have remained silent while the enemy has taken great ground. You hide away in your four walls with little or no impact or relevance in your cities, regions, and nations.
You gather in your bubble. Disengaged while the spiritual war of the ages rages through the nations. For I am coming to smash these clay pots throughout the nations. For where there is oil, it will flow out of these clay pots, through the four walls, into the gates of the nations, to release my anointing to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and disciple the nations.
But there are many pots that have no oil. They're empty and dry, and they have nothing to give, nothing to flow. They too shall be smashed, and great will be their anguish. So let me say this, and let me be clear. For as goes the church, so go the nations. For if you do not shake off the apathy, The fear of man, your passivity, your demise shall be at hand, so consider your ways.
You can no longer sit on the fence and have it both ways, trying to pacify those who have I've called you to lead and compromise my truth. Your platforms built without me shall be no more, so choose on this day who you're going to serve. If it is Baal, serve Baal. If it is me, serve me. But make your choice on this day, for it is time to advance my kingdom.
And holy is the word of the Lord. Wow, Barry. I mean, hearing him address that is, I think I feel torn between two places because him addressing that is deep in my heart. Because when you live in holiness, you want to see holiness through the churches. But then at the same time, I feel for when he talks about smashing the clay pot so that they would leak the oil.
I mean, I feel because when you're in a church that does get smashed or let's say torn apart because things are uncovered about a leader and people are affected by that, they're affected by that. But then what happens is like, like the Lord said, they get broken in the oil. Seeps out, you know, the only reason the disciples went out and scattered was because they were persecuted They were they weren't comfortable anymore You know the lord smashed that down and they had to they had to go out the oil had to had to leak out so I feel so Strong about this word and I agree with the lord that Yes, Lord, let there be oil that runs out of the church and into the streets and let people show forth the kingdom.
But then I also feel for the people who are in churches that are compromising and sitting on the fence, Barry, because let's be honest, so many places it's, It's like they've lost their first love. It's, it's so obvious. Yeah. Yeah. The, the religious political spirit, you know, there there's people that you run into and if they say, God bless America, they think that they're saved.
You know, if they say, God bless you, you know, they, they think that they're engaged, but they maybe haven't made a personal, real personal. Uh, commitment to the Lord. And then, you know, maybe they haven't, you know, developed that life of prayer and intimacy. And, and, you know, maybe they haven't, uh, you know, been, been baptized in Jesus name, you know, you know, laying it down and falling in him.
And so there's, there's a renewal, I think, coming, you know, in all of this, but what we see is. These clay pots, and then whether it's a church or whether it is a Christian organization, you know, they built these vessels and sure they may be full and there might be a little bit drizzling over the edge down into the grass around them.
But I believe that the father right now, he's wanting to take a spade and a shovel and a pick and a backhoe. And dig a trench from where these, these vessels are where these, these places are and dig trenches to the 7 mountain gates, where we can actually be effectual in the end. And so to come in and break that vessel that clay jar.
So that anointing and that oil can go out. And, and we can fulfill the mandates we're given. This is what, this is, uh, what I see is, is, is going to, you know, it's happening, whether, whether we like it or it is happening. Yep. And when we go into the public square with it, people are, uh, touched, impacted, healed.
Yeah. And, uh, It's glorious. So, so may it, may it be. And I can't help but think of the parable of the 10 virgins. When you share about the oil, about how five were lacking and five were ready. And I just think having enough oil in this hour. Is so important to be able to be broken before the Lord, because anyone that's been broken before the Lord knows that the beauty comes from crushing that's, that's where the, the beauty of what he's done in us really does seep out.
I mean, what we were talking about in the beginning. Yeah. But you know, Kelsey, you know, there's, you know, we live in Canada and I mean, it's, it's cold. I mean, we get days where, you know, we had some minus 50 stuff Celsius here, you know, this winter, not much, but it, but it was cold. And so, you know, I say, if you live in Canada, you got to know how to build a fire.
You know, to keep yourself warm and it's like this in the spirit too, where we've got to learn for ourselves how to build a fire in the spirit, how to engage with the spirit of God, to let that burn in us and around us and through us. Now, what happens though, is sometimes people go through a season, brokenness, you know, things happen, you know, in their life and their wood gets a little wet.
And there would, it's like, they can't get that lit for anything. And there are times where you have to take your dry, your wood there. Sometimes you have to take your wood to someone else's fire and get it dried out to come into it, into a, or, you know, a fellowship and a, and a community that they love you enough.
They help you dry out there, your wood, and then they teach you how to build your own fire. Ha, this, I think is a very simple key to the kingdom. And we need to be able to, because you know, people can hear from the Lord themselves, you know, you know, I mean, I mean, they, you know, we could all hear it's, it's just, are we fostering yourself to do that?
Yeah. Open your Bible. You will, um, you, the Lord, every single time you open scripture, it is alive. It's living. The Lord will always quicken something to you that speaks directly to you. Every single time you open the Bible. Yeah. Every single time. It's, it's amazing. Yeah. All right. Uh, let's, let's talk about, okay, this one I'm, this is amazing.
This is the one that I read through and I was like, whoa, whoa. Cause I want you to unpack this as detailed as you can. Um, your prophetic encounter from February 28th. Yeah. So, so on, on February 28th through the night, um. You know, I can't say Kelsey, if I was awake or if I was sleeping, if I was dreaming, if I was awake and, and in this place, I was taken into the spirit.
And, uh, and I find myself, I was overlooking a valley and it was a very rugged, uh, forest, you know, mountainous terrain. And I wasn't sure if it was, you know, if it was, you know, in, in Switzerland or if it was in Asia, but, uh, here I was, and I was brought to this, um, hidden, Secure entry point into this mountain.
And so I'm kind of up, you know, kind of almost, I guess, like I, like in a helicopter, I was above and looking down flying above it, flying up above it. That's right. So I I'm here and. Right below, I'm looking at this, uh, you know, entry point, this large tunnel, it was very, very old, uh, just with the growth that was around it and the trees and the underbrush, uh, you know, it was a very, it had been there for a very long time.
And it wasn't like it was an active site, you know, like an active base where there was a lot of coming and going, like as there are, you know, there are places that are more active like that, but this was more like a underground, uh, storage facility kind of in the middle of what seemed like nowhere, you know, it was very into a mountain.
Like the door was, yeah, there, there was a That there was a big, big, you know, opening, you know, into this tunnel and, uh, you know, in this, this entry. And so I'm watching and all of a sudden there was a militarized task force that. Came in and they were preparing the way for a special high level official and his team That were coming to to, you know, basically visit and do kind of an inspection on that place And so I watched this team came in and they kind of took formation with a couple of rows, you know, you know up the side leading into into this tunnel opening and And It looked like an honor guard in a sense to those that were coming, you know, these officials that were coming in there.
And then they have like a uniform. Like, uh, yes, they were, they were uniformed. Uh, the, these were, uh, I'm going to say like, uh, a tactical unit, uh, but they're a militarized tactical unit. And so as they were lined up, there was an angel, a coast that came in and. Back them up. Uh, basically stood behind these, these military guys.
And, uh, I mean, they also direct, I just have, I'm going to ask you questions as we go. Cause I won't remember all of this. When you see the angelic host, do you discern that those are angels? Do they, are they bigger than the people? Do they have wings or they dress differently? Some of them are fierce. It's not like they have big wings and, you know, uh, halos.
Some of these are, some of these are all business. You know, there's some of them, you know, they, I mean, some of them also look like creatures, you know, to be honest, uh, fierce and fighters. And so this, this Angela, now I've seen others in silver, uh, you know, armor, you know, top to bottom and, you know, militarized in a different way, but this host was a little different.
And, uh, So they had a high level assignment to get a very high level official and his team into this facility to take an inventory and to do an inspection of assets that had been there secretly stored for a very, very long time. Now, uh, they were preparing to see these hidden assets, you know, safely secured and protected and, and removed, you know, from where it had been hidden for a very long time.
And in fact, I had the impression that some of this, uh, gold and some of these, uh, assets that were hidden here had been there for centuries and, and some for decades. Wow. What had been hidden and kept in darkness was about to be brought into the light and released for the glory of God and his kingdom purposes in the earth.
Now, now, now, Kelsey, I don't know how I know. But sometimes it's prophetically, sometimes you just know, yeah, I was going to ask you about that. How did, was it said, or were you hearing conversations or did you just have a knowing? I knew what was in the ground. Okay. So there was. You know, 10 to 15 to 20, sorry, 15 to 20 acres was, you know, kind of the facility space underground and the majority of it was from the majority of it was for.
Mass storage. Now, there was some space for operations and people to kind of oversee that were were there. Majority was was storage. Now, from there, we're taking him to another secure underground entry into this storage facility. Now, these assets, they were being transferred into the hands of righteous and, and this was the beginning of the handover and the amount of wealth that was being released there, it was staggering.
I mean, I can't even, I mean, as far as I could see, I mean, there was. Uh, racks, uh, full of gold and wealth that had been hidden there. And, uh, now this, this team, the integrity and the righteousness was, was above and beyond. And, and there was not one ounce. Of greed or evil among them. I mean, they were men and women that God put into position that he could trust.
And I mean, he hand picked and prepared each one to carry out. This is. Historical event. So were, were these people, these men and women that you saw? 'cause I know prophetic encounters can be so not normal, right? Right. As we as, as we, I could say the best way. But were they there or were you seeing or discerning that there would be many.
Men and women where this would go to, the ones that I saw that were sent in there were to validate what was in the ground. Okay. To count it, to put their hands on it, to validate it so that. That I'd like to do in an inventory, right? Okay. Yes. They knew what they were being entrusted with. And then from there, my sense was that they had teams that would then be deployed.
And I mean, the security that these, you know, it was only a, a small handful of these officials. Oh, and they were gathered, like they had a, uh, security guard, you know, or security detail around them, uh, you know, like the president would, you know, I mean, they were very well protected because of what they were entrusted to.
Wow. And so they were, to me, it seemed like the first boots on the ground. for this actually to be happening. Did you also discern too, when you saw, you know, you knew that they would be giving this out or handing this out, do you know, or have a sense, or did the Lord give you any sense before maybe, or speak to you about how that process would come you know, like how it would come to The men and women of God to me, my, my impression there was the, because of what was there because of the level of security, the law, the level of the militarized special ops.
Is that this was going to have to be done and put together, uh, in the most strategic way to keep it safe, to keep it, you know, so the hands of the enemy could not intercept it. And so there was, uh, I knew that there was a plan being rolled out and we were on the front side of it, uh, in the first kind of, uh, stage for this to happen.
Wow. So that's amazing. And then once you're in that prophetic encounter, they don't know you're there, right? No. Okay. Yeah. They don't see, so they don't see you, but the Lord's allowing you to see I'm in the room. And then when that, does it just sort of, did the, when you have these experiences, do they just sort of like, boom, they end and either you wake up or you were.
Sort of like arouse from from that dream or that encounter. How does that work for you? Sometimes it's a slow transition kind of out of it. Sometimes it's just like that I've had both and uh, you know, sometimes it's like wide awake and okay Uh start journaling start to you know, get it down, but get yourself together, right?
I would probably be like, where was I? And yet there's other times where it's it's more of a You Uh, you know, kind of a, uh, in and out, like, you know, you're kind of in and out and then kind of a softer exit. Yeah, not so boom, bro. And, uh, and, you know, in this case, uh, you know, I go from one scene to another.
And so, you know, I'm down in, you know, this underground, you know, place and the next thing, you know, I'm taken. Into wall street, into the New York stock exchange, like, just like that. Like it's, it's like watching a movie and you've got a, you know, a screen. So here I am where you were, I knew where I'm right now.
Yeah. I mean, I literally, I'm on the trading floor of the New York stock exchange. And you know, there's traders and they're screaming and yelling and they've got all these monitors all over and there's. Paper all over the floor. And, you know, they're all on their phones and yelling and screaming. And so I'm all of a sudden I'm right in this room and, you know, watching, you know, this activity when all of a sudden, uh, there was a tipping over that, uh, clearly couldn't be stopped and the markets, uh, redlined.
And, and, you know, you know, kind of a panic, you know, ensued and in a bit of chaos, you know, everyone's, you know, they're trying to try and cover. And so this was a crash, kind of like nothing we we'd seen before. Um, you know, so as this was happening, the traders, you know, they were trying to do their best to, to try and navigate it, but I mean, it was really escalating and, and so what I saw in this was this Babylonian system.
Had hit the wall and the Lord was bringing it down. So there's nothing to fear. One system was being taken down. Mm-Hmm. in order for a new one to be switched on. Mm-Hmm. . We are being taken from a system that has been ran and controlled. By the kingdom of darkness into a new system, a quantum system that the Lord is breathing on that is in controlled by him in the kingdom of light by doing so, this is part of, I believe, protecting the wealth that God is bringing according You know, from, you know, the enemy getting his hands on it to a distribution to God's people.
And, and so he is bringing, the father is bringing a distribution and a, a retribution of wealth back to his people and, uh, you know, so in, even in the midst of that kind of going down, I mean, I saw this hope coming in on the other side, I who this, this is what we've been waiting for. And so for people that are saying, well, I have, uh, I'm in the stock market or is this, do you feel, because most people, you know, you have a, a knowing of, do you feel like this is very close or we have a little bit of time or did you get a sense of anything like that?
You know, Kelsey, I can say, you know, I've, I've. Seen this a while ago and it always feels like it's going to be, you know, it's imminent. No, he didn't give me a date on a calendar. He didn't give me a time, but I am aware through, you know, we've had, you know, we, we put this stuff out there and we have people contact us.
And so we are aware that, you know, over 50 percent of, of America's banks are actually insolvent. And, uh, You know, we've had other places where we're hearing where money is disappearing out of their bank accounts, where the bank is actually taking it from their customers and using it here and there for other things and trying to roll it and then maybe have a little bit to put back, you know, in in 30 days to kind of cover what they need to.
So, so there's a, I think we're, you know, with everything that's going on. Uh, globally and in America right now in Texas, all of this, I actually think that, uh, the next month is going to be very interesting as we see things play out here and the Lord, the Lord will play a hand that is going to surprise many.
Yeah. And, uh, Would you advise people to just pray about, Hey, where, where do I put my money? Because I think it's, it is, it's so unsteady. It's you really never know. And then like you just pointed out, the banks are tied into all of this and yeah, no, I'm not a financial advisor, but, but for me personally, the Lord is, the Lord has led us into, you know, silver and gold.
You know, it's part of what we've done. And, and so for, for, for us, that's kind of how the Lord led us, you know, into those areas among, you know, some other, uh, some other things that we know with, with the, the re evaluation of, of currencies and these kinds of things that are happening that there's, there's going to be great wealth that's going to come as, as some of these currencies come.
Back in under this gold revaluation. Talk about, yeah, talk about to the quantum. wealth. What is, or the quantum system? Share about that for a second too, cause I read that, um, in your notes here and I, I wanted you to expound on that a little bit. The first time I seen this, I saw the IMF bank go down in Switzerland and, and as that, you know, and that's the, the bad guys, I mean, they're, they control pretty much everything, kind of in every nation through that IMF bank in Switzerland.
And so, and so that ties into, you know, all of these markets, but I think as that thing is shaken down and brought out, the Lord showed me, uh, a new system and he took the cover off of these computers and it was like a brilliant. Light blinding brighter than the sun that was in that system that, uh, is basically all new technology to protect people, you know, so all the little loopholes that, that are in the existing systems are going to be taken care of to protect us moving on.
Wow. And, and so this is my understanding of what's happening. Wow. So that's going to be amazing. What a change it will be for so many. Oh, I mean, it, it is, it is going to be, uh, you know, the, the nations, I mean, there'll be resources, uh, for the kingdom, for the nations that are, are going to do great, great works.
And I think even with that, you're going to see technologies released that have been hidden for a long time. Uh, that, you know, energy and agriculture, you're gonna see a release of these things too, uh, coming out during the same, uh, time period. Wow. And so, you know, it's not like we're gonna be able to get it done in 10 minutes, but, but it, it is, we're, I feel we're real close to, to this switch over.
And I mean, I was taken in, you know, from this, uh, wall Street. Mm-Hmm. . Next thing I know, I mean, I'm in over, you know, in the spirit over North America. And like, uh, like I'm on a satellite or something and, you know, I'm looking down and I see, you know, North America and I see the lights of the cities and, you know, see definition of, you know, the metropolises and, uh, the next thing I see these little lights starting to go out, you know, here and there and, uh, and I knew something bigger is going on.
And as these little lights were. Yeah, you know, going out, I saw that there were real conflicts breaking out on the ground, like real conflicts between good and evil. And I mean, part of it felt like war, you know, literally hand to hand, you know, next to hand to hand combat. Not spiritual. It was not spiritual.
It was like, there's a, there's a cut over here happening. And it was like the enemy was just, okay, dropping his gloves and, uh, I'm not going to let this go easily because it'll lose control. So things were at a boiling point and boiling over. And as it was going down, uh, I saw these lightnings of God and, and the spirit of God hitting cities and regions.
And, and it was, You know, out of this darkness, I saw these lightnings come and they would just light up an area and, uh, as this was happening, there was angelic armies and hosts being deployed, not only in North America, but other nations. I mean, it really was, it felt like a battle of the ages. And now the enemy had released the hordes of hell to destroy all he could, but without success, he didn't have enough in him to try and stop what the Lord had coming.
And the Lord was bringing, it was now payback time. And the Lord of most was coming and he was going to recover all. And it didn't take long before I saw, you know, the brilliant explosions of light and the light of his glory exploding across not only North America, you know, uh, but around the world. And so places of great darkness, we're now being immersed in the light of his glory.
And so I saw nation after nation re fired and rebirth by and for the glory of God. Wow. So, uh, so, so this is what I believe this is what's coming. So, so, so I'm watching this and I see this new quantum network, uh, being switched on. I saw these radiant kind of golden beams of light. Jumping from nation to nation.
Like this was brand new, like nothing we'd ever seen. And there was no room for the enemy to control and manipulate what was being released to the nations. This is what we've been waiting for. The father is bringing his people out of bondage from under evil regimes and rulers. They were done. They were finished.
Wow. How encouraging. And there, there, even though you saw the conflict. So there was conflict. You saw the lights go out. You saw conflict. But then after that, it was Revival and restoration. And I mean, reformation, I'm sure comes from that too. And God just moving in different nations all over the place and people being set free from simultaneously.
I'm sure many things at the same time, because poverty is a real thing in so many different places. And even in America, I mean, people right now are. Really going through some serious hard time. So, I mean, think about the darkness, you know, and the, like what you saw. I mean, I even think we're in that right now, Barry, honestly.
Yeah. Yeah, no, I, I, I think this is why the Lord, uh, is releasing this at this time. To bring hope to his people. And I mean, as I was up, you know, in the night, and so then I'm writing this out, you know, and it's, you know, early in the morning and I got a cup of tea, uh, the Lord spoke to me and he gave me this word and he said, Barry, tell my people that there is so much that you are unaware of, or you've been led astray by lies and deceptions of those who you thought you could trust, and it is now time for the nations to know the truth.
It is time for my people to arise and walk in the fullness of the authority that I've bestowed upon them. The harvest is at hand, and what you've sown you'll reap, good or bad. So today, I implore you to come to me in humility and repentance, and I will extend my grace and my forgiveness. From that heart posture, I can bring restoration, healing, and deliverance unto you.
And I can break every curse that has been upon you. And from that place, I can catapult you into your kingdom destiny. So hear my heart, and hear my cry, and hear my plea to come unto me today. He says, Barry, tell my people that I'm bringing to them in this moment in history, what I'm bringing to them in this moment of history is going to change the nations forever.
And there is no political plan that will be able to do that. To do what I'm about to do, so do not put your hope where it does not belong, for it is time to bring my kingdom governance to the nations, and there's nothing that can stop it. For I will shake it all, holding nothing back, to get things out of the way.
and to bring things into place. So hold fast unto me like never before. And let's do this together. And holy is the word of the Lord. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Wow. I think of kingdom governance. Can you explain a little bit kingdom governance? Cause I think I think of it one way, but I don't know if that's the way the Lord's saying it right now.
So what do you think he meant by that? I believe Kelsey. That, you know, we've been, you know, kind of duped into thinking that there's a wall between the secular and the sacred. And, you know, we're afraid to talk about, uh, you know, I guess kingdom governance. And when, when I look into history and you look and you see how the prophets used to run with the kings, and the prophets used to run with the military leaders.
And, And they work together, they would follow him and his lead and his instructions. And should they follow him in obedience, their nations were blessed. Yes. They did so. And, but what has happened is we've got into a world of human secularism, of compromise, where we're afraid to talk about these things as a church, you know, we got to keep politics out of the pulpit.
Well, you know, that's the problem. Why in this passivity, why we've ended up in this place. And so as we come in and as we talk about this and some of these meetings we're doing, and we kick that wall down between the secular and the sacred, we find out, guess what? There's a spring that wants to burst forth in this place to flow out into the, into.
You know, into the mountains and into the communities and into the nations. And so, so I think that when we are operating in a religious political spirit, which often is about power, proximity to power, and, you know, I mean, I hate to say it, but, you know, we've met with some of our dear, dear loved, you know, American, uh, friends.
That, uh, they said, honestly, it's like the, the pastors are sometimes the worst because they're looking for proximity to power. They're looking for proximity to leaders because of how they can build their platform and how it will benefit them. Instead of coming in love and in a place of servanthood to these leaders and walking with them in this way.
And so when you see the prophets, the apostles, you know, the, the pastors, the evangelists, the teachers, when you see a five fold ministry starting to work together and bring truth, we actually have the kingdom authority to speak into things to make things happen or not happen. And so we haven't been doing that much.
Yeah, and and so this is the release of the Ecclesia into their place of governance in the nation Does this does this make sense? Amen. Yes, it does make sense because I I think of when you talk about Kingdom governance, I think of like, okay, so When we bring heaven to earth type of governance, like, okay, we need to live by according to the word of God.
And we bring that to earth. We bring heaven to earth. And that's how it flows out. That's what I think of when I think of that word, but you explained it in a really good way is that we make, we draw all these lines and say, Oh no, we can't get involved with this. So we can't get involved with that, but. We need to, I mean, we need to go everywhere and let our light shine so that everyone can come to the Lord.
And when we lift him up, all men will be drawn to him. But we have to lift him up everywhere, not just in the church. Yeah, that's right. That's right. And I mean, you know, this, uh, you know, we went down to Eastern Canada for some meetings and we flew down there and the first night there, the Lord gave me a dream and a word for Canada.
And we were supposed to go to Ottawa, which is the capital right now of, of, of Canada. And, uh, but. Things happened and we ended up, uh, in Kingston, but the first night there, I had a dream where I saw this Canadian apostolic father and he was dressed in those old, uh, bib overalls, you know, the black and white stripes, you know, that they used to work on the railroad covered in oil, like he was just covered in the anointing and he had a red, uh, signal lamp and they used to put oil in them and they'd light that wick and they would use that to, to signal as they were putting these trains together.
And so he indeed was in this train yard and, you know, he was moving cars around and shuffling, you know, to build a train, uh, you know, some cars weren't. Made to really fit together because relationally they, you know, they didn't fit. So he was very careful putting people and things together where they did fit.
And he had a spirit of wisdom and understanding, uh, where they were to be connected relationally, uh, to one another. And it was so natural to him. I mean, he was in his element and interestingly enough. Uh, this train yard seemed to be in the main Canadian hub of north to south, east to west. And he was, you know, it was in position to roll out to the people in Canada, not only resources, but, but people to the nations.
And so I just saw a fresh love, you know, come upon him and his wife and, and it was, it always been good, but it got a whole much better. And they had a spirit of wisdom and counsel on them, uh, to care for people. And so with, with this level of love for one another, I mean, I couldn't see where they ended and the Lord began, like they were just in such a unity with him.
And you know, the love and the grace that they had to love his kids was something. Now, now this was the father's heart being released. Now the apostolic fathers, um, They're built to
posture their kids into their destinies. So they're not interested in the title. They're going to run things probably from the back of the room. They don't want the mic. They don't want the spotlight. They're there to release and facilitate the gifts within the body, within the sons and daughters to fulfill their calls.
And so, You know, we see lots of apostolic leaders today who, you know, are, you know, call themselves apostolic, but, but they won't let go of the microphone. They have to be in the spotlight. They have to, you know, they're building their ministry. They're building their platform. They're building their stuff rather than, than this fathering thing.
And so, so I believe that there's a, there's a, I believe this word is actually more for just these beautiful, Canadian apostolic leaders, but I believe this is a call to all, you know, a higher level because when you can see the, the prophets and the apostles working together, uh, you know, a prophet will come and he'll bring a word, a directional word or something, you know, this or that, the true apostolic will pick that word up and they'll say, okay, now we need to get a plan, how we can get boots on the ground to make this happen.
And, and, and they actually put feet to it and they strategize and things start to happen. So, so Kelsey, this is actually happening in Canada right now. I mean, I mean, we, we go to Kingston, which, you know, you don't know, you know, probably a lot of the people that see this don't realize, you know, they, you know, this is Canadian history, that Kingston was actually the capital of Canada's first capital city.
And, you know, it eventually got moved to Ottawa and built on free Mason foundations. Now, there are some scriptures on Parliament Hill and you know, I'm not denying that, but, but the fact remains that when it left Kingston into, into Ottawa, there was a significant shift within the nation. So we released this word down at the, the Delta waterfront in Kingston.
I did not know that we were a hundred meters from where they built the trains that built Canada back in the day. Wow. And you had that dream. And I had that dream. I did not realize we were literally on ground zero where this is what God was wanting to birth for Canada. And, and I don't believe that the fulfillment of what God is destined for Canada's fulfilled its purpose yet because it's got a bit messy.
So the Lord clearly orchestrated this, you know, that we could be in, in, uh, Kingston, you know, to do this at the Delta hotel waterfront. Now. You know, we're saying Delta Hotel, like what's like, what's, what's with the Delta? It's interesting that A delta is an area, you know, of low flat shaped land, you know, like a triangle where, you know, a river splits and spreads out into several branches.
And so what is being released out of the birthplace of our nation is actually coming through this way. And so in the context, you know, as we gather together. Uh, we had a time of repentance and, and Kelsey, we had, you know, so repentance is also an act of getting low in position of humility. And so as we go low, it allows that water to run, it allows that living river to flow, you know, in and through us and outward.
And so we had Anabaptists in our meetings. So Hutterites and Mennonites and, and Amish folks. In the public square, in humility, in repentance before the father for their passivity in the nation. Anyway, that's a bit of another story. But so out of this Delta, the St. Lawrence Seaway goes out of there, you know, and, and there's a lot that kind of flows out.
But. The other thing with Delta that's interesting is Delta and Delta waves, they're actually during the deepest sleep where we're restored. And so we must pass through an alpha state into a Delta sleep for our mind and body and soul to actually be restored. God created us that way. So I found that was interesting.
But the one that really also jumped out to me is a Delta force. And a Delta force is also a military term. Yeah. It's a special operations, uh, that, you know, in the United States Army, for instance, it's a unit's mission of primary involvement of counterterrorism, hostage rescue, direct action and special reconnaissance.
often against high level targets. So if we can, if we can understand that we are at a spiritual war right now, uh, over Canada and over America, he is mobilizing his body to stand up, take their places and, and take back the land. And so, so with that, uh, you know, he gave me this word for Kingston and. You know, the word was Kingston.
The past is the past. Let me be clear, Kingston, the past is behind you. It's time to let it go. The history will never be diminished, but in many ways has bound you from moving forward into all I have called you to. For Kingston, there is an even brighter day ahead for you. And many shall be the sons and daughters that will be released from this place to take healing to the nations.
So Kingston, it's time to walk in the fullness of what I've called you to, for I've called you to disciple nations, one man, one woman, and one child at a time. For I'm going to release unto you a fresh baptism of my love that will wreck you forever. And Kingston, the fear of man will no longer hold you back.
For Kingston, you will no longer play the settle fiddle, second fiddle. Kingston, the love that I am pouring through you shall be the instrument that I shall use to disseminate the religious and political spirit that has been rooted here for far too long. So Kingston, I'm calling you to lead the charge.
And much of what began here has to end here. Many of the great men and women who started out with me. Lost their way, pride, ego, selfish ambitions got in their way, and I could not endorse that. And I could, and they have led a nation astray, and it's time for that to end. So Kingston, you've been brought low.
You've been humbled in ways and in depths that you have not understood. So let me say to you on this day, that's about to change. For out of this spot, you shall see a move of my spirit, birthed by me, led by me, sustained by me, that will catapult a move and a reshaping of my Canada. Into all that I've called her for so Kingston, Ontario has been waiting for your move.
Kingston, Canada has been in wait for this day for you are key Kingston to unlock the rebirthing of this nation of Canada that I love. This will not and cannot come out of Ottawa, as you oppose, as you suppose it's impossible. For they do not know the foundations I put in place. They may give an intellectual assent.
They may even give it a wink. But they really don't know me and know my ways. For in this hour, it's time to take out the trash and clean the house in this region and in this great province of Ontario. For Ontario, I'm calling forward a righteous remnant that knows my heart and walks in my ways. No longer shall you follow a pied piper that leads you by false pretenses.
So Ontario, I've called you higher than that. And for Canada, I'm bringing you into my kingdom governance. When are you going to stand up for me and my kingdom ways? No longer compromising my kingdom mandates and my kingdom ways. For those working in darkness in the guise of being light. For they are not of me.
They may have elegant speech and a flattering tongue, but they are not from me. They are deceivers, playing you for all you have, pacifying you with empty promises they have no intentions to keep. So Ontario, I'm about to remove the scales from your eyes and give you ears to hear what I'm releasing among you in this hour.
And I will empower you to walk with me. So Ontario, arise out of that slumber, shake it off, and come into the fullness. Of what I have destined for you since the beginning of time for it's time to get up And get moving for the harvest is at hand and holy is the word of the lord and everyone watching right now in canada Say amen Amen to that word.
Yes, lord. Let it be Let it be and we we pray the same thing for america that All the scales would fall, um, off people's eyes. That is a huge prayer for us here in America to Lord remove the scale so that people will see, they will see the truth. Yes. Yeah. And, and, and it is happening. Um, we've got, you know, there are some exciting things happening behind the scenes right now.
Uh, Kelsey, um, yeah. You know, we can't talk about them all publicly, but, but I assure you that, uh, I mean, we need your prayers, you know, literally now more than ever, uh, with kind of what's unfolding and what we're called to with some of our, our assignments right now. And, uh, I will share this is we are working on logistics for another trip to Texas.
Uh, You know, we had one last year with some American officials and friends of ours, and it kind of got nicknamed Camp David, uh, Canada, USA. And honestly, it was over the top. It was a sovereign, uh, sovereign gathering that these ones could come and gather that, that were able to, you know, their schedules actually all just worked.
And so, uh, so we're actually working on logistics for Camp David, Canada, USA 2. 0. And so, uh, so we do need, we do really need, need your prayers, uh, you know, for, for, for that. And then just a couple of things in Canada. Uh, we've got, uh, a bill right now that they're actually trying to pass. I think it's Bill C 367 and Kelsey, this one, they basically are wanting to make public prayer and public reading of scripture illegal.
Oh my. And, uh, I would. Say I don't believe it, but I do believe it and so so that is literally kind of being processed right now, and then there's another one bill C 63, which is, uh, an online harms act where basically they can someone. Anonymously can report someone for something they've said online and they can come and arrest you.
And if they, they deem it to be true, uh, they're even saying like a lifetime in prison. Like, it's absolutely, it's absolutely crazy. The, you know, what is evolving here in Canada. So, so we need to stand, you know, in, in, you know, as believers and, uh, and, you know, You know, what I'll say is I'm always like, I'm really perplexed, perplexed at how Christian leaders and, and believers stand and celebrate and support, you know, some of these governmental parties that celebrate, you know, Bill C 4, the mutilation of our children.
Kelsey, Kelsey, I mean, this, this is cutting off genitalia of our kids, like there's no part of this that's good. And then, you know, even, even we had, you know, you know, a standing ovation in our house of commons, which is our main, you know, a standing ovation to a Nazi war criminal. I saw that Barry. And so, Kelsey, I'm saying, how can, you know, as a believers, you know, I mean, let alone support giving our land and our resources away to the administration of foreign leaders and making us a post nation state, they're literally wanting to take the authority of Canadian, Canadians out of our hands and handing it to another nation to rule us, like, like, tell me how, so, so anyway, um, I'm just like, I just want to scream and shout and say, you know, to the, to the church in Canada, in America, if we don't stand up and if we don't raise our voice for him, we deserve to lose the country, you know, and, and so there is a grassroots movement.
That's happening here, and I believe it's happening also in America, that God is raising up remnant believers and patriots to stand for God and his dominion, and they are not willing to travel a dark path headed towards a cliff any longer. So, so, So I'm going to say to, to, to, to those in Canada, I'm just going to, you know, say with all my heart, if this burns in you, if this fires you up, you know, I challenge you to connect with us and lock our shields and I'll gladly help where I can to bring connection to what's unfolding because we need this now more than ever, or we're not going to make it.
And so we're going to be, you know, probably doing, you know, a few more meetings across Canada here, you know, called firing where we can gather together, you know, and, uh, and kind of share some of the things going on behind the scenes that most Canadians aren't aware of. And try and mobilize what we can to try and, you know, our, our nation will not be forfeited.
Your country will not be forfeited. We are going to stand with you and for you and, and for the kingdom of God to come. And so, so that, that's kind of, you know, where my heart is at and what's on my spirit today. Yeah, well, let's let's pray for those two bills all together because we're all here We all want to agree and pray against that that those would not pass through in Canada So Barry, would you lead us all in prayer for those?
Yeah, so father We just thank you Lord that your hand is upon our nation and Lord You've called us to to take to take healing to the nation's And Lord, I pray father that during this time, Lord, as you, you shake us up and as you open our eyes, Lord, I pray father that you would come and Lord, you would stir the hearts of your people to stand against Bill C.
367 and Bill C 63 that these would be halted, that they would not be passed, that they would not be put into legislation and law. We decree and we declare that every enemy plan and tactic that would be against our nation by bringing these bills into place would be halted. We see there would be a cease and desist order against these even now in Jesus name.
And Lord, I just thank you father for, for our American friends and, and Lord, just the unity that you've brought between our two nations in this time. And Lord, we know the responsibility that is put upon your people to carry and to steward these things in this hour. Lord, for our generation and for the legacy of our children and children's children, Lord, I pray that we would, you would stir us up Lord, where we have maybe got a little bit sleepy, Lord, that you'd bring us out of a spiritual slumber, Lord.
And, and father, give us an understanding of kingdom governance, that it's not politics, this is not politics. This is kingdom governance. And so, Lord, I pray that you would raise up, uh, your Ecclesia. Father, within Canada and America, that they would stand in harmony and unity against the plans and tactics that the enemy would have, Lord, that you would bring them all into their place.
So, Father, I thank you for Elijah's dreams and the blessing that they are, Father, to us and the nations around the world. I pray, Father, continue favor upon them, Lord, that you continue to open up the gates wide for that which you've called them to steward, Lord. We just pray for your protection over, over Steve and Doreen and their families and, and the staff and the team at Elijah streams and all that, uh, you've called them to Lord.
I know what, what it's like on that frontline. So we just ask Lord for increase, a blessing upon each and every one of them there. And Father, just, Lord, we need a hug of your love. We need a fresh baptism of your love today. I know for me, Lord, I mean, that's, uh, that's what gets me through. And so, Lord, I pray that you'd come even, even in this season and, and surprise your saints, Father, in the middle of the night or in different places, Lord, where they would least expect it, that you'd come upon them, uh, with your presence.
In your goodness, in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. And I just pray too for, for the, do you call it the house of commons or the parliament? What do you call it? House of commons. House of commons. Lord, that there would be a weighty conviction upon those people making decisions. Lord, that the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Would come and fall in that place, Lord, for righteousness sake, God, that they would have a healthy fear of the Lord and that all that's within them would burn that that is wrong to pass these bills and Lord that people in the last minute that support it would turn against it under your conviction, God, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Lord, you would sweep through Through that place, Scott, and you would lay that fear of the Lord upon those people, Lord, making decisions.
God, I just pray that in this hour. Lord, let righteousness reign in the, the house of commons over there, Lord. We just pray that for, for our government to Lord. We pray for righteousness and for mercy to God. We just ask that you would raise up people that have your heart and want to do your will and God, you would open the doors for them to step into governmental positions, Lord.
And we would see our nations completely shift and change for your glory. And father, we thank you for all those listening all over the place in every different nation. God, we just pray for the peace of Jesus right now. Yes. Lord, Lord, your word said that Jesus is the prince of peace and Jesus says, peace.
I give you. Peace. I leave with you. So father, I just pray that his come upon each and every one of our hearts right now, even though the waves. They may rage and, and all of the things that come through our daily lives, God, that we would be like Jesus. And we would be asleep in that boat. We would lay our head down to rest Lord upon you knowing that he is our mediator, that Jesus Christ here is Every prayer and is at the right hand of the father right now, God praying for us interceding for us.
Lord, we praise you for that. We thank you for the finished work of the cross. God, we thank you for the power in the infilling of the Holy Spirit or let him lead and guide us today. Father, help us, Lord. We need your help. Yes, Lord. We can't do it without you, God. Help us, Lord, help us live for you. God, help us make the right decision, Lord, help our families and our loved ones, Lord, help the world to see you.
I pray that you would draw hearts to you, Lord, and that people would be obedient to your drawing and they would be aware of your wooing Lord. I just pray that. And we bless you today father in Jesus name. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. All right, Barry, anything else that you feel you want to use? I'm, I'm thankful, uh, for the relationship that, that we've got, uh, with you folks.
And, uh, my heart's very full. So thank you so much for, uh, for having me again today. Oh, we love when you come on Barry. Thank you for sharing all the intimate things that the Lord shares with you because I know it's, it's amazing prophetic encounters and they're weighty. I mean, when they happen to you there, there's a responsibility that comes with that.
And I know you know that. So thank you for sharing with us. And if you guys want to follow along with Barry, I know we had your website up. Can we throw that up one more time and then. Barry, where else can people follow you? Do you know what, uh, the Canadian Hammer, um, on Facebook, you know, as long as it's there, uh, you know, I would, I would encourage everybody, you know, to the website and to just, you know, I think you can sign in with your email or whatever for, for contact or whatever, but I'm on Telegram, you know, the Canadian Hammer on Telegram as well.
Uh, I'm on True Social. I'm on, uh, actually I did get onto Twitter here, uh, a while back, just, yeah, so I'm, I'm a little bit here and there. So, uh, Okay, you can find them, find them many different places. And then, are your events, because I know you said you're going to go throughout Canada and have different events.
Events that's on your website, right? Yeah, we'll be sharing that out. Uh, as we get kind of things in place, but you know, we, we hope to
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