Own Your Shit

11 months ago

Traumatic experience can be one-off or recurrent in nature.
Common forms include physical or sexual abuse, or emotional or physical neglect. Experiencing trauma in childhood can result in severe and long-lasting effect on psychological health.

Various psychological illnesses can have association of trauma, for e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and alcohol misuse, alterations in personality and dissociative disorders.

Unresolved trauma can haunt us throughout our lives in ways that often don’t seem direct. As adults, we may attempt to forget or gloss over the past.
We may think, “My childhood wasn’t that bad” or “Many people had it worse than I did.” We don’t realize that these old wounds can have all kinds of physical and psychological effects.

Certain events may involuntarily trigger reactions in us that we haven’t thought about in years: guilt, shame, fear, or anger sourcing from early in our lives.

Although our instinct may be to bury the past, minimize, or avoid our pain, feeling the feeling of what happened to us can actually lead to healing. It can help us separate our early experiences from the present day and identify the negative overlays these experiences have on our current lives, including our physical health and relationships.


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