Tucker Carlson: Doctors Should Apologize for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

6 months ago

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”

“By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.”

“I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued.

“It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at my job. I killed a bunch of people, but I’m a great person.’ It’s like, no, it’s too big a sin to overlook. You have no credibility unless you apologize for that and explain how you reached that wrong conclusion.”

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