Keith Ellison Doubles Down On Stupid, Claims Modified Glocks Can Fire 1200 Rounds Per Minute

9 months ago

We are all about solutions. Believe it or not, we want to help the nutbar leftists. At least, help them not to be so nutbar all the time. For instance, the left loves to talk about our guns, how we cannot be trusted with them, and how they know better than us what our Constitutional rights are. So here is our advice: if you are going to do that, it would help your case if you ever were to, you know, LEARN THE FIRST F***ING THING ABOUT GUNS. Whew. Sorry for shouting. But we've just about had it. We recently heard Supreme Court oral arguments on this subject. And we had actual, sitting Supreme Court justices -- plural -- believing that bump stocks could make guns fire 800 rounds per second. Yes, per second. Yesterday, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison decided to join the party by publicly proclaiming how much HE didn't know about guns. (This is the same man who recently blamed car thefts on ... car manufacturers. And he was not joking.)

Attorney General Keith Ellison @AGEllison: “One simple modification can turn Glock pistols into illegal machine guns that shoot up to 1,200 rounds a minute. If Glock has known about this problem and failed to address it, they may have broken the law. That's why I sent them a letter telling them to preserve evidence.” -- Oy vey. Twelve hundred rounds per minute, Keith? Seriously? Are you TRYING to make people point and laugh at you? We're pretty sure Twitchy readers know this even if Ellison doesn't, but a quick reminder that the Glocks he is referring to here are handguns. Here are a couple of excerpts from the letter that Ellison -- and 12 other ignorant AGs -- sent to Glock's General Counsel.

“We have followed the mounting reports about devastation and public terror caused by Glock handguns that became illegal machine guns when fitted with cheap, ubiquitous inserts known as 'switches' or 'auto-sears.' These unfolding horror stories exemplify the extraordinary danger of automatic weapons on our streets, and demonstrate why they are so strictly prohibited. In light of these grievous public safety issues, we were disturbed to read the City of Chicago’s recently filed allegations that you have known for decades that easy adaption into a machine gun is a natural feature of your handgun design.” -- Just to clear a couple of issues up here, an auto-switch IS a device that exists, but they are already illegal everywhere in the United States. And no, they do not enable a handgun to fire a ridiculous 1,200 rounds per minute. But, according to Ellison, it is now Glock's fault for not preventing people from illegally modifying their handguns. You know, just like it is the automakers' fault for not making their cars harder to steal. These people are insane.

• More at: Twitchy - Keith Ellison Doubles Down on Stupid, Claims Modified Glocks Can Fire 1200 Rounds Per Minute

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