“No way this pandemic roll-out was in the best interest of the people” | Captain Graham Hood

11 months ago

MAR 21, 2024. During the whole ‘pandemic’ all bets were placed on a novel vaccine, instead of looking what prevention and treatment are already available.

Qantas captain Graham Hood had little trouble finding safe and effective early treatment protocols using off-the-shelf safe medication, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

When he tried to find out why these protocols weren’t made available to the public, he found out that the people offering them were being canceled and censored.

The prime minister had just said that “We don’t mandate vaccines in this country.” Three days later, Qantas’ CEO Alan Joyce came out to say, “If anyone doesn’t get vaccinated, they’re deciding against their career in aviation.”

In a large Zoom meeting with pilots, Graham realized how these pilots were hurting, because they had to choose between their childhood dream for a career in aviation and a healthy lifestyle.


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