Breaking Exclusive: 8,550 dead and 284,000 people injured in Oklahoma from mRNA vaccines

10 months ago

Breaking Exclusive: 8,550 dead and 284,000 people injured in Oklahoma from mRNA vaccines. That's just one state in the United States!Top Doctor and medical expert Dr Thorp reveals truly horrifying data and statistics. The risk ratio is massive. An injure to kill ratio of 33.4 you're looking at 568 million global citizens that have been injured and 17 million global citizens that have been killed" as a direct result of the #mRNA gene altering experimental therapies. Cognitive disorders on the increase. Deagle released a report stating that there would be serious population reductions by 2025. The United States population would fall suddenly by hundreds of millions with an 80% drop in population and the UK would see a population drop over the same period with a fall from currently 67 million people to 15 million. Mental disorders and mental disability now on the increase. Psychiatric illnesses are increasing. The risk ratio is in the hundreds. Suicidal ideation is increasing. Are there psychological reasons as to why people cant connect the dots? They don't seem to be able to see the connections. Ivermectin and spike reducing supplements can be obtained from along with a price reduction of 10% using CODE: JIM10
Emergency packs containing anti-biotics with detailed instructions on how to use them can also be found here. The world is tumbling out of control. Don't take your health for granted. Get prepared now while you can still obtain these and join our International movement to stay informed and part of our online community.
#VaccineInjuries #ExcessDeaths

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