Judy May Griffiths being arrested by DRPS - 9 EST Mon April 1 on Zoom (Join US)

9 months ago

Mon April 1, 9 PM EST - 7 AB time Join us to discuss Judy May Griffiths being arrested by DRPS https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8

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So is this how you normally trespass people that are already walking out? She's already walking out. Why did you grab onto her? Can you stop hurting me?
Can you stop hurting me? 3 -6 -9 -5? 3 -6 -9 -5. Can I have your guys's badge numbers, please?
- 4075. - 4075. - 4070, man. - And you, sir? - 3971. - 3971. That was totally, that you guys didn't have to do that. Seriously?
Where is she going? What police station? Oh, it's a trespass. They felt the need to do that to someone they're trespassing. - Thank you. I Was watching Yeah,
so you give her a chance to walk to her car did you give her a chance to walk to her car? She would have walked she would have walked to her car Unfucking believable

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