Hallelujah Easter Song

6 months ago

A Song for Passover & Resurrection Sunday
This video was sang and created with many tears. I remember hearing once from a powerful preacher/pastor that our tears are from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I believe that and I pray His Holy Spirit touches you as you listen to this as it did me.
How powerfully bitter/sweet is our meditation upon Jesus as our sacrificial lamb who was slain paying the price for our sins with His own blood. Not only did His death pay, but the suffering in His death was that payment as well. The anticipation the night before was also His payment. But in that suffering He could have called on 1,000 angels to save Him. He could of the night in Gethsemane cried out to the Father, this is too much for me to bare. But instead He said "Not my will,, but yours be done" A very telling verse. He pushed through the tearing at His will through His flesh. He suffered from this as He thought of you and I. His love for us was so great, it was His knowledge that there was no way we could bare what He was baring. His love for us is what pushed Him through to finish His call and He ransomed us all from a life of sin, death and hell. He knew He was our only hope. The stripes He bore is what paid the price for our Healing. All that He paid for us is given to us freely the same as we have been given free will. He was our example to allow love to fight our way through the pain knowing that there is a day ahead of it all that will be well worth anything we have to suffer. Our suffering with Him in this world is an HONOR! Our payment was already made. Our choice is to except that payment, take His hand and trust Him to get us Home. And that He will do, because He loves us that much that He died for you and me. Say Yes!
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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