Everything COMING TO UNITY 6 in 10 minutes! (Unity GDC 2024 Recap)

9 months ago

GDC 2024 has just wrapped up and Unity had their roadmap session covering what is coming in the future with Unity 6. There's lots of stuff on a ton of different topics, updates on Rendering, Multiplayer, DOTS, AI, Platforms, etc.

➡️Unity 2023 - Unity 6 Recap: https://youtu.be/ZOXvdUmjUQA
➡️URP Samples Tutorial: https://youtu.be/wDo8CojPQqs
➡️2D Happy Harvest Tutorial: https://youtu.be/0cENASLC9DY
➡️HDRP Free Water System Tutorial: https://youtu.be/ehVTtcPUxW0
➡️Muse Texture Tutorial: https://youtu.be/Pjf4clvXOmk
➡️Muse Sprite Tutorial: https://youtu.be/ItOTTK5Pan0
➡️Muse Chat Tutorial: https://youtu.be/itBB5XBZ20Y

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⬇️ SpeedTutor Best Selling Assets:
🧩Adventure Puzzle Kit: https://bit.ly/STAdventurePuzzleKit
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⬇️SpeedTutor Model Packs:
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My Assets include: Gas Mask, Flashlight, Generator, Themed Key , Padlock, Phone, Chess Puzzle, Lever, Valve Puzzle, Fuse Box & Safe Systems. Cardboard, Debris, Massive Models and more!


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