Philippians Continuation Announcement

10 months ago

Noted as Paul’s most affectionate letter, the book of Philippians captures Paul’s immense love and care for the Philippian church. In this book, the Apostle Paul centers his writing on the believer’s need to remain resolute amid great suffering. The theme of his message centers on the joy found in Christ in all things.

In this verse by verse, expositional study through the book of Philippians, Pastor Livingston will show how the Apostle Paul, through great compassion, hopeful confidence, and loving warning, steers the believers to experience true joy in living, serving, knowing, and resting in Christ.

Join us LIVE in San Antonio every Thursday night at 7:00 PM (CST)

Thousand Oaks Bible Church
15801Jones Maltsberger Road
San Antonio, Texas 78247

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