Charlie Hebdo Sky News “Blood On The Ground which Has Been Put There”

11 months ago

TITLE of Video Picture Charlie Hebdo: "No attacks in France yet; wait! There's until end of Jan to wish Happy New Year"

Rothschild printing Charlie Hebdo - Jean-Marie Le Pen injured in fire - Autopsy of Helric Fredou - the comedy club - the sale of the kosher supermarket

Charlie Hebdo False Flag: Road Markings on BBC's Charlie Brooker

Charlie Hebdo: The Third Man [and the forth].
“According to authorities, the third and youngest suspect … drove the getaway car.”

That is, until his classmates started tweeting under the hashtag #MouradHamydInnocent:

“He’s in my class, and he was there for lessons this morning,”

CHARLIE HEBDO: CHARB'S FAMILY STATEMENT 'We formally deny any rational commitment from Charb with Jeannette Bougrab"

One of the officers killed is Ahmed Merabet.
"While one kept watch and checked that the traffic was good for them, the other one delivered the final coup de grace,''
he said, referring to the moment one of the gunmen shot dead an injured police officer at point-blank range.


Sky news presenter Ian Woods Freudian Slip, says: “You can see the blood on the ground, which has been put there”

“The spot where he fell, has already been marked by candles, by some flowers, which have been laid here, this area was largely cordoned off last night.”

Really. So after, a murder you allow anyone to pass through the area, DNA contamination etc.

So who is Ian Woods: "He returned to news reporting in 2001, and after spells in the United States and Afghanistan was appointed Sky News' US Correspondent based in Washington".

Furthermore, the Kosher supermarket was sold ONE day before it was attacked!

Paris Kosher market used for Mossad false flag - reopens with New Manager | entirely new staff.

Charlie Hebdo video of Ahmed Merabet fake shooting was done by Jordi Mir [who so happens has met Facebook Mark Zuckerberg] …

Charlie Hebdo: Staged Shooting of Police officer Ahmed Merabet

Why would Sky news cover a False Flag? Well Rupert Murdoch is invested in Genie energy, which also includes Rothschild and Cheney, and is a project with Israel, who Occupy the Syrian lands of the Golan Heights -

So, lies would obviously form part of a Clash of Civilization script, and in turn, enters Rupert Murdoch.

Under a 2010 agreement between Washington and the European Union, EU countries rely on the U.S. Treasury to provide terrorism-financing information it has collected from the SWIFT international payments system.

But at least in France's case the Americans have turned down the requests or, in the case of suspects linked to the Paris attacks, have not answered them, the French Finance Ministry source said.

After gunmen killed 17 people in January at the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, U.S. authorities turned down requests from France on the grounds that the
French did not provide enough details about the threat from the suspects they were seeking information on

Charlie Hebdo: How Much Did The US Know?
U.S. government sources said Said Kouachi and his brother Cherif Kouachi were listed in two U.S. security databases, a highly classified database containing information on 1.2 million possible counter-terrorism suspects, called TIDE.

Anwar al Awlaki: Bona fide Global Terrorist Leader, or Western Intelligence Asset?

Much like the “mysterious suicides” that surround 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination, already one of the lead French police investigators of the Charlie Hebdo massacre has committed suicide. As Sputnik news reported, “Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack on the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed suicide in his office.

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