Radiation check on Rochester, NY water samples

10 months ago

On March 19, 2024 the city of Rochester, NY issued a boil water advisory for parts of the city due to a body having been found in the Hyland Park Reservoir. The media whitewashed the event, claiming that there was no criminal intent. That was a lie, any way you look at is. We were told that the deceased male had scaled a 15 foot fence at 6:30 on a February morning. Trespassing in a public water supply like that reservoir is a federal offense.
If we are being told the truth about his doing this, it logically follows that the deceased male, Abduhahi Muya, was planning to put something in the water supply. In this video I tested for the only thing I could which is ionizing radiation. The results did not show anything above background radiation. I tested 3 samples of water. One sample came from before the known incident. The second sample came from after the boil water advisory was lifted. The third sample was a control sample, an unopened bottle of drinking water. One reading of 100 millirem per hour appears to have been in error. The rest of the samples varied in the range of about 10 millirems per hour and 15 millirems per hour. This would be considered normal background radiation for this area.
The western NY region has a great amount of granite, which is a volcanic rock that naturally contains Uranium. Some background radiation is normal for the area, as it is in most places.

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