Australian Senate Covid Hearing - 3

11 months ago

🔥Wilful blindness, Fraud and false claims🔥

🔥Australia Senate bombshell🔥

Please watch, like and share. The evidence is mounting with USA and Australian Senate turning up the heat!!

Perhaps the most direct evidence tendered at the Royal commission terms of reference yet!

On 13 March 2024 we appeared in the Federal Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs (terms of reference).

We indicated our concerns that there was extensive element of wilful blindness, frauds and false claims.

Together with John Larter, Graham Hood and Australian Medical Network (AMN).

On 15 March 2024, @petermcculloughmd echoed the terms “Wilful blindness”!

The evidence we provided together with Dr McCullough and others marks a turning point in the narrative.

Please listen and share!

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