User Enumeration | Can Hackers Enumerate Your Users? | Hacksplaining

8 months ago

User Enumeration | Can Hackers Enumerate Your Users? | Hacksplaining

In this video, we're going to be talking about user enumeration. User enumeration is the process of enumerating a user's accounts on a system. This can include anything from logging in to accounts, to viewing account information, to reading user content.

So what does this mean for you as a business? Well, if you're the owner or manager of a website or system, then you need to be aware that hackers can enumerate your users. This means that they can identify all of the users who have access to your systems – and potentially more. In this video, I'll be giving you a hacksplaining lesson on user enumeration and how to prevent it from happening to your business!

Tags: #techgalore #openredirects #ethicalhacking #hacksplainng #trendingvideo
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