Wake Up! Keep Watch!
Beautiful Agony
Chaotic Transition

Wake Up! Keep Watch!

9 months ago

🙏Could you not tarry one hour with me? 🙏Could you not keep watch with Me? WAKE UP! 🙏The Time Is Coming, Deception Is Upon Us, Lawlessness Is Upon Us! Get up and let’s go, for the betrayer has arrived. The sun is going down on our liberty, justice and freedom for all. Our constitution is in shambles, and justice as we knew it is dead. Pray. Watch With Jesus.
We see it all around us, the decay of the human condition, yet we ignore it. Morality in the toilet, and we don’t talk about it, we don’t talk to God about it, we don’t pray, we just get busier and we ignore the state of our nations and its peoples in shambles. We ghost the reality of truth. Without God we are not good people. People need the Lord. Come back to Jesus. One Nation Under God Indivisible With Liberty And Justice For All. Let it be so. Could you not watch with Me? Jesus!
How do we handle the state of our unions? We pretend it is not happening! We see the reality of truth, but our grief over the liberties lost, and the pain of the consequences of lawlessness, and the desecration of our freedom of our Constitution, we don’t want to faee it. We are compassion fatigued, we are asleep, we don’t want to believe what has happened to our nations in decline, so we grieve silently and sleep through it, and when we wake up, it will be too late… WAKE UP! Pray! Face The Reality Of Truth of what is happening now in our nations. Turn back to God! Without God, we are not good. Could you not tarry one hour, could you not keep watch with Jesus? The time is short, our betrayer is near.
What day of the week is it for you? For me it is Friday and all is not good, the state of our nations are not good. Good Friday for Jesus was not good except for the promise of Sunday was coming. Good Friday leaned into giving death a voice no more, resurrection was coming. Silently, before his false accusers and with his false accusations and fake judgment, he went into the night… and morning came, justice proclaimed to all generations! Where is Jesus? He’s Not Here… He has RISEN from the dead. Death has no more voice.
Holy Week: Maundy Thursday Jesus shares His plan, Good Friday we grieve, we sleep, we are focused on loss and not what we will gain. Sunday, Easter, we see the reality of Truth, Jesus has Risen, just as He said, we have a future and a hope.

Dig Deeper

Friends, Could we even begin to imagine the emotional toll in these words of Jesus: "Could you not tarry with me 1 Hour?" https://rumble.com/v4m2gi5-beautiful-agony.html For #Jesus #GoodFriday was an emotional and spiritual agony that none of us could begin to imagine.🙏 a beautiful agony...#Truth #Faith #HolyWeek
1)Don’t Panic… #TrustGod Has A Good Plan #MaundyThursday
2)Patiently Endure - Suffering Ahead - Glory Will Follow #Good Friday
3) Revival Is Coming - God Is Real - His Kingdom Forever #Easter

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