Maundy Thursday 2024: He Gave, They Drank

10 months ago

This Maundy Thursday, we look at the institution of the Lord’s Supper from the Gospel of Mark. This passage shows Jesus' sovereignty, our need for forgiveness, and the covenant that Jesus established with his people.

Consider these questions as you listen to this week’s message from Mark 14:12-26:
1. How does the act of Jesus predicting His betrayal during the Passover meal contrast with traditional celebrations of Passover, and what does this reveal about the new covenant He was instituting?
2. In what ways does the preparation and observance of the Passover by Jesus and His disciples, as described in Mark 14:12-16, illustrate Jesus' sovereignty and foreknowledge of events, including His own betrayal and crucifixion?
3. Reflecting on the significance of Jesus' words "This is my body" and "This is my blood of the covenant" during the Last Supper, how does this moment redefine the disciples' understanding of sacrifice and covenant in the context of their Jewish faith?

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