I'm Going Higher (FWBC)

11 months ago

I'm Going Higher Lyrics:

Often I've watched the clouds up in the sky,
Always I've heard they were many miles high;
Then as they sailed out of sight far away,
I said, “I'm going far higher someday.”

I'm going higher, yes, higher someday,
I'm going higher to stay;
Over the clouds and beyond the blue sky,
Going where none ever sicken or die,
Loved ones to meet in the "Sweet by and by";
I'm going higher someday.

Men sail the ocean, or soar through the air,
Scarce can the nat'ral eye see them up there;
Some seek for fame which so soon will decay,
I'm going higher, yes, higher someday.

I'm going higher, yes higher, someday,
I'm going higher to stay;
Over the clouds and beyond the blue sky,
Going where none ever sicken or die,
Loved ones to meet in the "Sweet by and by";
I'm going higher someday.

Moses went up in a mountain and prayed,
Glory came down while alone there he stayed;
But He came back, He just went there to pray,
I'm going higher, yes, higher someday.

I'm going higher, yes higher, someday,
I'm going higher to stay;
Over the clouds and beyond the blue sky,
Going where none ever sicken or die,
Loved ones to meet in the "Sweet by and by";
I'm going higher someday.

Often my soul has been lifted above,
Lost in the ocean of God's mighty love;
Though I am higher than once, still I say,
“I'm going higher someday, yes, higher someday.”

I'm going higher, yes higher, someday,
I'm going higher to stay;
Over the clouds and beyond the blue sky,
Going where none ever sicken or die,
Loved ones to meet in the "Sweet by and by";
I'm going higher someday.

Soon will the Saviour appear, bless His name!
Someday this earth will be all wrapped in flame;
Then as I see the fire mounting so high,
I’m going higher, beyond the blue sky.

I'm going higher, yes higher, someday,
I'm going higher to stay;
Over the clouds and beyond the blue sky,
Going where none ever sicken or die,
Loved ones to meet in the "Sweet by and by";
I'm going higher someday.

➤ Lyrics & Music: Herbert Buffum
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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