"X1.1 solar flare from sunspot, earthquake activity"

9 months ago

[note] atmosphere frequency ground pressure build up

[INcomINg] energy not fade out on from inside solar system how is now non stop physical mental shift how been from 1990s forward also how on eartly 2006 was third physical dimension drop off how why direct push for physical mental shift from third to fifth dimension was start, earth surface near fifth now earth center area is already 6th 7th dimension physically

[ACTIVE] sun been warm up all planets surface temperature inside solar system from 1990s to forward non stop, extra energy flow speed up earth grow into bigger how earth all zipper lines finally open then mega level event, before event all life have evacuation process into all safe zone is start publicly from this year 2024 on moment when public warning message on form full disclosure told for all world wide globally how why situation become totally different only in on hours period

(AKTIIVINE) aurinko 1990 luvulta lähtien on lämmittänyt kaikkien planettojen pintoja aurinkokunnan sisäpuolella, lisäenerkian virtaus kiidyttää maapallon kasvua laajentumista jolloin lopuksi kaikki mannerlaattojen liitoskohdat aukeaa jota ennen kaikki elämä maanpinnalta evakuoidaan, julkinen evakuointi alkaa vuoden 2024 aikana julkisella viestillä joka kerrotaan kaikki keinot käyttäen globaalisti kaikkialla samaan aikaan kuinka kaikki täyskäännökseen tapahtuu ainostaan tuntien kuluessa

[atmospehere monitors]

[ground monitors]

[easieST] NATURAL PROtectiON effect when do find get order buy 3 tektite stone connect physical stone together for keep on heart center or on pocket or near physical


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