A peek into Fort Detrick -a US Bioweapons Research facility

11 months ago

Fort Detrick has its roots in a small municipal airport established in Frederick, Maryland, in 1929. From 1943, Fort Detrick was the center of the American Biological Weapons Program (USBWL) until its termination in 1969. The biological weapons program was a collection of research laboratories and pilot plants operating in Camp (later Fort) Detrick, Maryland, USA. The military fort has a long and eventful history, which was founded with the origin of projects such as Operation Paperclip, Project MK-ULTRA and ARTICHOKE.

"According to author Stephen Kinzer, the CIA project MK-ULTRA was a continuation of the work that began in Japanese facilities and Nazi concentration camps during World War II - to suppress and control human minds". Kinzer presents evidence of the continuation of a Nazi agenda, citing the CIA's secret recruitment of Nazi torturers and vivisectionists to continue experimenting with thousands of individuals. The Nazis were brought to Fort Detrick, Maryland, to instruct CIA officers - about the deadly use of sarin gas."

Video source: XINHUA NEWS (GlobaLink)

In use: Fort Detrick 'V-files' embed at Verity Base Archive (https://veritybase.info/v-files/fortdetrick)

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