Awesome Cow drinking tea, Domestic cows

11 months ago

It is natural for cows to eat grass. But have you ever heard that cows eat tea?
Cow is one of the domestic animals in the world. Seeing them makes you feel alive. There is no person in the world who does not like cows. Isn't that wonderful?

Why do you like cows?
With those big dreamy eyes, galumphing gate, and generally languid demeanor, cows don't get credit for much beyond providing the milk and meat that much of the world relies on. But in truth, there's a lot more to cattle than just a bunch of Bessies sitting around chewing their cud. They are intelligent, highly social animals.

Domestic cows, also known as taurine cows, are descendants of wild oxen known as aurochs, and they were first domesticated in southeast Turkey around 10,500 years ago. A second subspecies, sometimes called zebu cattle, were later domesticated in a separate event around 7,000 years in India. While the wild aurochs went extinct in 1627 due to overhunting and habitat loss, their genetics live on in a number of descendants, including water buffalo, wild yaks, and of course, domestic cows.
The word "cattle" comes from the Old French "chatel," as in chattel, meaning property. In many parts of the world, cattle remain an indicator of economic wealth.
Female cattle are called cows; male cattle are called bulls. Generally, in English, we have a single word that we can use to refer to both the male or female of a species—like cat or dog. But cows are unique in that we don't have a singular noun that refers equally to an adult cow or a bull; we just have cattle, which is plural. In colloquial usage, cattle are often referred to as cows, like in some of the references here.

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