The Roosevelt Dam (1928 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Experience Theodore Roosevelt's legacy of land reclamation and conservation in this captivating black and white film from 1928. Delve into the vision of Theodore Roosevelt as he champions the utilization of natural resources for the public good. Witness key figures like Frederick H. Newell and Gifford Pinchot, whose influence shaped Roosevelt's conservation efforts. Explore the monumental Roosevelt Dam project on Arizona's Salt River, from its inception in 1906 to its completion in 1911. Marvel at the transformation of desert landscapes into flourishing fields, orchards, and grazing pastures, made possible by the dam's irrigation system. Join the historic dedication ceremony of the dam, where Theodore Roosevelt himself inaugurates its operation, symbolizing progress and prosperity for the Salt River Valley. Step back in time and witness Roosevelt's enduring legacy in land conservation and resource management.

Source :
Roosevelt, T., Newell, F. H., Pinchot, G., Roosevelt, E. K. C., Hill, L. C., Fowler, B. A. [...] Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection. (1928) The Roosevelt Dam 1. [United States: Roosevelt Memorial Association Film Library, ?] [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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