National Security and Telecom Leaders with Rajiv Malhotra

10 months ago

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India’s senior telecom experts evaluate the ideas raised in the two books: “Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Power” and “Snakes in the Ganga”.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:29 Comparing AIFP and SITG
00:07:37 Some battlegrounds
00:10:23 Indian brains and AI
00:11:57 The idea of Self is being eroded
00:13:29 SITG and the importance of database
00:15:55 Different databases are being gathered
00:17:37 Omidyar network in India
00:20:35 Speed of these activities
00:22:11 The MSMEs are being replaced
00:23:03 How to read the book
00:25:35 National security issues
00:27:04 Governments: a thing of the past?
00:28:16 Ashoka university and political data
00:30:20 Ashoka center for China's studies
00:31:42 Social impact and philanthropy
00:34:31 Bill Gates, women's and labor issues
00:36:45 Retired Indian diplomats
00:38:15 The power lies with AI
00:39:50 Sexual politics
00:42:45 Lack of overall view
00:43:58 Location of the database is not relevant
00:46:33 China's penetration in many countries
00:52:46 Avoiding the multinational point of view
01:00:06 Indian embassies and diplomats
01:03:34 Problems of online education and security
01:06:11 The control of cameras
01:10:54 Taking a stand on technology and liberal arts
01:18:39 Raising awareness
01:23:15 Ending anonymous online profiles

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