11 months ago

This warning is not to scare us – but to prepare us!

The story of Gideon - where 300 men were selected from the initial 30 000 soldiers in his army - is connected to Revelation chapter 7 - and is a foreshadow of the selection of the Bride, out of the body of Christ. 300 out of 30 000 is a very small percentage! In the same way - the Bride of Christ is referred to as His righteous remnant ... because more than 90% of Christians will not be found ready at the rapture!

Abba Father has been sending thousands of warnings to His people about the fact that Jesus/Yeshua is coming soon! Thousands of people are posting videos on line about prophetic dreams and visions they are having (Joel 2 v 28) - warning of His imminent return! I personally have also had a vivid dream about the rapture happening soon!

This video is just one other example with the warning message that there are very few who are a part of the Bride that goes up in the rapture:

The numbers are not so small because God's standards are so high, that hardly anybody can attain it... everybody is invited to the Wedding Feast and anybody can choose to be a part of the Bride of Christ!... many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 22 v 14) ... because very few people are willing to humble themselves before YHVH by laying down the pride of life (living for themselves and the temporary pleasures of the flesh) and to truly lay themselves down and crucify the flesh - getting rid of all worldliness and lukewarmness... in order to walk on the Highway of Holiness - with a fasted first love lifestyle of repentance - that leads us into His end time Ark!

Just as olives are compressed by pressure to produce olive oil... so the Bride of Christ (the wise virgins who have the extra oil) - passes through the narrow gate - the way compressed by pressure. And to be able to walk through this narrow gate - we have to lay down all fleshly baggage (the ways of Babylon and the world) - because there is only room for the Spirit!

Matthew 7 v 13 - 14: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the Gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it. "

He is coming for a pure Bride! A Covenant people, a Royal Priesthood! A Holy Nation! An Uncompromising Generation!

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