Bitcoin BTC price prediction for 2024-2025

11 months ago

you ungrateful whining pansies. here's another free get rich off my maximum effort and no i don't do tea leaves, or charts. Trillions coming in later this year and then tens of trillions. $100k will get blown out, very probable that we print $500k - $1MM before the end of the year. Expect the chaos in geopolitics to drastically step up and people panicking like chickens with their heads cut off. AAAHHHHHHH!!!

I was first to say ETF license was guaranteed 11 years ago and first to say this will be the biggest global wealth transfer that has ever happened back 11-12 years ago. cause i'm smart.

SELL THE TOP or get left behind. but the top hasn't even begun yet. Then go prance around as if you knew something so you can feel important even tho you're a class A flunky and a fraud.

Frauds & the ghey rule the world around me.

pay me, BTC: 3HJvz3xfAnahj9Mjh634p6kCKbUbARiN4Y

~ Vlad2Vlad - from Transylvania with ❤️

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