Colour your life ~ The Healing power of colour therapy

1 year ago
In this video, only the basic 7 chakras have been referenced. (but there are more that i can cover in a future video) :-).

How can colour help?
I have include very small example below of what could be showing up in your life when a chakra is out of balance.
Root Chakra, Red ~ you are fearful of making changes, You are having trouble trusting others, maybe you have poor boundaries.
Sacral Chakra, Orange ~ Feeling unloved, loss of libido, feelings of jealousy and envy
Solar Plexus Chakra, Yellow ~ Easily manipulated, low self-esteem, feeling overlooked
Heart Chakra, Green ~ Declining support from others even though you need it, holding onto the past, Fear of intimate relationships
Throat Chakra, Blue ~ unable to speak your truth, finding it hard to truly listen, talking over others
Third-Eye Chakra, Indigo ~ forgetful, poor memory, often worried what other people think of you
Crown Chakra, Violet ~ fear of future, feeling blocked spiritually, materialism.

I have found, working with colour, and the Chakra energy centres to be truly fascinating!

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