Surviving an Ambush

11 months ago

Surviving an Ambush isn't really all that hard. You just want to run as fast as you can, but you'll have to deal with the ambush because it will remain until you have cleared it out. Here's some quick advice in the video to show you. This is a small ambush by the O'Driscolls. The O'Driscolls are hired for their willingness to kill and not for their knowledge or experience. Most of the gangs in the game are the same.

You must deal with the immediate problem. You are in a kill-box! (A kill-box is the location that your attackers what you in. You are surrounded by attackers that have cover and elevation. Taking cover here is a losing proposition for you because with elevation and cover your attackers will be hard to kill. The best was out is to run until you have no left in front of you. Then you simply turn and start shooting at anyone who's shooting at you. I go over what kind of equipment works best for this type of combat. It's simple though, one long gun with a scope, a two-gun rig, and health items to preserve your health. I have the attack shown twice. Once for instruction and the second simply played through. Weather in single-player or online, the tactics are the same.

If you are playing online and new to the game, don't give up keep fighting until the ambush is cleared. You will be racking up the XP while you are getting killed. Try to remember to move from cover to cover. Don't fight in the open; at least not yet.

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