11 months ago

Yesterday, the final results for the South Australian State Voice were announced.

After all Labor's publicity and millions of dollars of taxpayer money wasted, only 10% of South Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cast a vote.

In fact, across the entire State, only 2583 votes were cast. Some candidates were elected with as few as six votes. Three candidates did not receive a single vote, showing they could not even be bothered to vote for themselves.

The Premier of this State persisted with and implemented this State-based Voice without any electoral mandate despite the clear opposition of a substantial majority of South Australians.

In October 2023, 64% of South Australians voted against the Federal Voice. Now, 90% of indigenous South Australians have refused to cast a vote for their State Voice.

Like its Federal counterpart, the State Voice has now shown itself to be a complete failure, for which Premier Malinauskas and the Labor Party bear full responsibility.

Those elected to the Voice, on a mandate of as few as six votes, now wield extraordinary powers over the Parliament of South Australia, elected to represent more than 1.7 million South Australians.

This is an utter scandal.

Despite the wishes of the vast majority of South Australians, the Premier of this State has transferred significant legislative power to a tiny minority of vested interests and activists without any democratic mandate.

Labor's State Voice has comprehensively failed.

The Premier must immediately introduce legislation to disband this frighteningly unrepresentative body, which even indigenous Australians have now overwhelmingly rejected.

Please share this information with your network and direct your friends and family to sign the petition at www.dontdividesa.com.au

Here is my prediction: The media will do zero reporting on this failure, and Mussolini Malinauskas will continue to push ahead with this racist shite.

You have to understand that to Mussolini Malinauskas this is not a failure, it is a victory for him. He wanted a collection of useful idiots he could blame unpopular decisions on and what he ended up receiving is better than he could have hoped for in his wildest dreams. He knew those elected would not represent all South Australians, what he got was a group that doesn't even represent Aboriginals. They will be 100% loyal to whoever is writing the cheques for the trough they all have their snouts in, and the man with the cheque book is Mussolini Malinauskas.

I would not be at all surprised if when there is a change in Government the new Government doesn't keep the farce going. Why would they change it? They have a group of useful idiots under their thumb they can blame for all poor decisions, and they can accuse anyone who disagrees with their pet aboriginals of being racist.

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