VIDEO - Missa Feria Quinta, Coenae Domini - Oleum Sanctum - Jacobus I, P.P. - 28 March, 2024 AD

9 months ago

Video publication produced and published by the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile) on Feria 5, Coena Domini, in Holy Week..28 March, 2024 AD

Missa Feria Quinta, Coenae Domini - Oleum Sanctum - Jacobus I, P.P. - 28 March, 2024 AD

The Blessing of Holy Oils during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Feria 5, The Lord's Supper, by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I - 28 March, 2024 AD

Official Publication of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I – the Solemn Blessing of Holy Oils at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Feria 5 in Holy Week, which includes blessing of the Oil of the Catechumen, Oil of the Infirm and Consecration of the Holy Chrism, according to the proper rubrics of the valid Pontificale Romanum (1891 AD print).

(NB: The infernal enemy the devil was evidently and quite certainly sabotaging this Holy Rite today, to the point that We couldn't publish the whole ceremony and Mass, as the obvious technical difficulties were “all of a sudden” appearing and hampering the recording...And so it is evident by these difficulties and most importantly by the Catholic Faith We have and Our trust in Christ Our Lord and what He has taught Us all along and always, including Our trust in God's mercy and His ultimate infinite wisdom, that We, by God's mercy, His unworthy servant and the present time true Vicar of Christ Our Lord on Earth, do have the means again for this year to ordain new Catholic priests and to consecrate new true Catholic bishops of the Catholic Church, for the continuation of the Apostolic Succession of the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church, Divine Institution, the mystical Body of Christ Our Lord, against Which the gates of Hell will NEVER prevail and outside of Which there is absolutely no salvation !)

The restoration of the Catholic Church is seriously hampered by the diabolically driven evil and heretical influence of the heretics (SSPX, SSPX - MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics) and of the Vatican occupying non-Catholic pro-communist APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect.

- ALL the heretics and sectarian apostates, and therefore enemies of God, are thus excommunicated by the Decree of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), given on 15th Day of May, 2021 AD...

- and the true requirements for valid admission into the Roman Catholic Church

- Decree of the Holy Apostolic See on 20 April 2022 AD, concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens” of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the protection of the Laws of the Sanctuary, exposing the heretical and also idolatrous errors of the this Official Catholic Church Infallible Doctrinal Document the true Holy Apostolic See, in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff Jacobus I anathematizes and fully condemns ALL contrary practice and heretical fraudulent unapproved customs of the already IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and of the sedevacantist heretics, and of the non-Catholic APOSTATE diabolically driven pro-communist Sect Novus Ordo, under the pain of excommunication...

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