[Too Posh Podcast] 243 - Flat Earth Or Round Earth ? What Do You Believe? [May 31, 2021]

11 months ago


We continue with Part 2 of this mind blowing interview with David Weiss from The Flat Earth Podcast.
We learn all about the Challenger Explosion and what David believes really happened that day - he teaches us that it was designed to traumatize children and that
6 of the astronauts had identical twins.

Then we learn about the Georgia Guide stones and the star Polaris.

We learn about the confusing routes planes take which makes perfect sense on a flat earth but zero sense on a globe. David says that they have spoken to many pilots
and they all know that the Earth is flat. In particular he says that they interviewed a KLM Pilot who was showing them all kinds of things to prove that the Earth is flat, but she was
fired the next day.

David tells us about his App Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac where you can see videos that you will not see anywhere else and it explains in detail how everything works. He says
this is the only way to get the real information since Flat Earth is highly censored when you google it.

Marcella asks David about the water test. He gives a very passionate answer.

David tells us about the 3 body problem, eclipses and how dumb daylight savings time is.

Gabrielle asks him about his views on the pandemic.

He tells everyone to go to the website stoplookthink.com to inform yourself.

We talk about the Austrian Felix Baumgartner's Red Bull Space jump.

David gives us his views on crypto currency. He gets very passionate about the fact that we might get into a time where money, crypto, gold and silver won't matter and all that matters are
food, guns and bullets.
He says that all of this is in our hands and they are trying to create this future but they cannot do it without our permission.
They want us to think we are running out of fuel, food, water and global warming etc. He says this is the mind matrix. They are all controlling us with lies and creating fear.
Once you wake up from it you have no more fear because they feed off our fear. We are in a spiritual warfare.
Once you wake up you unplug. Once you see you cannot unsee.

When you wake up to the flat Earth you can never unsee it. Things change for you in great ways.

David talks about his feelings about the healthcare in this country. He says he would never go to a doctor unless it was for an accident. He says there is no disease just levels of toxicity and
that they want to keep you sick.
Rockefellers changed everything and took the healing plants away and created synthetic pills instead.

America messes with our food supply. He says it is horrifying and we have to try the best we can to eat as healthy as possible. A 10 X 10 space is all you need to grow your own garden.

Then we talk about the planes that mess with our climate. He says that he has been screaming about that for years and that they now actually admit it, even though it used to be conspiracy a few
years ago.

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Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! More info found at https://www.FlatEarthDave.com
To book Flat Earth Dave on your show click the link at the top.
Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back.

We live in a world of lies pushed on us by the upper levels of the world controllers. It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them they have been lied to especially when they are unknowingly addicted to the fear. If the FOUNDATION of your world belief is that you are on a spinning water globe pear rocket flying through an infinite space vacuum, then you will not know WHO you are, WHERE you are and WHAT you truly are. You will be lost and feel insignificant not KNOWING that you are at the center of creation rather than on a speck of dust in an ever expanding universe.

With that belief you can be convince of anything. To wake up you MUST start with the foundation of your world and from there you can see beyond the imaginary curve.

The FLAT EARTH SUN, MOON & ZODIAC CLOCK app is the best tool for discovering flat earth and introducing it to friends and family. It visually shows how the sky is a perfect clock and brings you the latest google censored flat earth content.

The FAQ page will answer all your questions on how and why flat earth is hidden. Got a reason you think Flat Earth is impossible, we have an answer that you haven't thought of yet.

Take the FE Clock challenge. Watch the featured video every day for 2 weeks and see what happens. Just search "Flat Earth Clock" by Blue Water Bay in Google Play or the Apple App Store. It will be the best $2.99 you've ever invested. Avoid the knock off apps on Google Play, they are FREE and still NOT worth the price. Download and check it out today!

Apple: https://tinyurl.com/FEiOSapp
Android: https://tinyurl.com/FEdroidApp
Both: https://qrco.de/bbizVA

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MEDIA INQUIRES: https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com/book-dave-for-an-interview/ If you are a show host and think Flat Earth is stupid and impossible, let's do a Q&A on your channel.

science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education

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