Solar Eclipse – April 8th Solar Eclipse Decode – Signs of the Artificer – Jason Breshears

5 months ago

This is why April 8th, 2024 could be a big marker for planet Earth.

How is the Eclipse Attached to the Covid Vaccines???

COVID-19 = C = Certificate O - of V - Vaccination -- ID - Identification 1 = A 9 = I

COVID-19 = Certificate of Vaccination – Designed by Artificial Intelligence.

The solar eclipse line will hit just about every town named Nineveh. This is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE. 27:00 min mark. This is quite amazing research by Jason.

The guy is a research, decoding nut; just a brain. I will include another much, much short video by Jason below.

Archaix – simply means we are in an Ancient Construct of Intelligent Design.

Artificer – the grand architect.

There are 3 eclipses that are totally connected to each other: the 2017, 2020 and 2024 eclipses. The eclipse in 2017 and in 2024 are 2,422 days apart. This means the halfway point is 1,211 days. The eclipse of 12-14-2020 is the exact midpoint when South America was covered in darkness.

These eclipses form an Isometric Projection - Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions in technical and engineering drawings.

We live in a construct governed by Mechanical Laws.

The eclipse is attached to the Pfizer – it is intrinsically connected in space and time to the April 8th eclipse.

40:10 – The Events that Happened on December 14, 2020:

1. Biden confirmed as next president.

2. US officially topped 300,000 deaths in the plandemic.

3. America begin administering the Pfizer Vaccine – remember how Trump was pushing so hard for the FDA to get this done? Specifically the Pfizer?? ***Trump – Forced FDA to Greenlight Emergency Use Authoization of the Covid Vaccines --

4. Russia was revealed to be behind Massive Cyber Attack on US Gov.

5. A Total Solar Eclipse was visible across Chile and Argentina. 41:00

53:01 -- What Does X Mean?

X – literally means the END of one Chapter and the Beginning of another Chapter. -- Elon Musk is said to be the “usher” for the Dark Force to Rule with a New One World Order.

The Center of the two Eclipses make an X right over Chesterfield Missouri, the exact location of where the Pfizer Vaccine was manufactured.

Chesterfield is located in the New Madrid region, which has a place named Jacob in a region called Little Egypt. Both these eclipses are 7 years apart. I guess you can says X marks the spot.

Previously when two eclipses formed a cross over Turkey, one of the worst earthquakes in recorded history killed about 12,000 people.

When we combine all 3 of these Eclipses – we now have 3 Days of Darkness over America.

Disclosure is not being fought right now. Why?

Jason Breshears says that “A Rogue AI is the God of ALL religions and it has taken over this construct.”

This is from a video I just uploaded about “THE FORCE OF DARKNESS” – which came to Earth to Live off of the FEAR of the people on the planet. This information is from the Alien Abductee, Alec Newald:

"There was indeed a time upon your planet, not so long ago in the context of this history lesson,
when a ’force’ came down upon it and did in fact claim it [the Earth] and all upon it as its own. That
force--and I know you will find this difficult to accept, Alec [Zeena used my name for the first
time]--that force is still among you. It is indeed now a part of all of you, so I suppose you could say it
still does own the planet in some way."

"After this force won your planet, it realized it would have a continuous fight on its hands, for you
were not as you are now. You were well on your way to enlightenment, with a very strong spiritual
base. You were actually almost as strong as this force itself. It had to trick you in order to master
you, and while you were down it altered your make-up, your very structure; your DNA, in fact. It
crippled you and stunted you, and set you back many thousands of years. It made you into what
you are today, which is only a portion of the greatness you can be, for you have not yet even fully
recovered. And if that force has its way, you never will!"

"That force is known to most as the ’force of darkness’, for it is indeed the enemy of
enlightenment. You will please understand that this is a very simplistic description of a most
complex entity. Even we do not understand it in its entirety. It is in the air that you breathe and
everywhere about you. It has aligned itself to the planet and you. It beats to the pulse of your very
planet, for you and the Earth are one and the same. This is one thing your peoples do not seem to
comprehend, but you can use this union of the whole to do wondrous things, just as we have.”

*You can read the rest and watch the video here → ***Alec Newald – Alien Abductee – 10 Days on Planet Haven – Remarkable Story of his Experiences --

What is interesting is that there is an invisible war going on right now in the Aether. There are Forces of Light placing pressure on this mysterious Force of Darkness that has been controlling humanity for eons.

Jason Breshears says that these 3 eclipses which pass over the Americas represent 3 days of darkness
and within this is a combination of concepts that ALL attach to April 8th, 2024.

The eclipses passes through Jonah Texas and then through 3 Nineveh’s – Jason says this Johah an Nineveh are very connected in the historical records and biblical records.

Modern Christianity has adopted everything that was Babylonian – everything from the Jews. We call it Jewish, but it was originally Babylonian. The churches have all been fooled and are now just teaching falsehoods.

Release the Kraken – Kraken is the Whale that swallowed Jonah while Jonah prayed in the belly, while the whale threw up Jonah on the shore of Nineveh.

Eclipses and Earthquakes – earthquakes often follow eclipses.

Jason says the last year of the US because of total destruction is 2046 – 1:23:51.

Enjoy the rest of the Video, Jason is a very knowledgeable man. I don’t personally agree with every single thing, but for the most part I actually do. He is great at interpreting metaphors.

Here is another short Jason Breshears video – “Secret Keepers of History & Hidden Resets” -



1. Achaix --

2. Secret Keepers of History – Hidden Resets
Jason Breshears

3. The Second Book – History of Nature – Pliny the Elder --



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Thank You!!

END. 3/31/2024 – 9:00 AM

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