Post-Void Dribbling what is real it ?

10 months ago

In this video, we will discuss post-void dribbling, also known as post-micturition dribbling, a common issue where urine leaks out slowly after urination. It can be a symptom of various medical problems, including urethral diverticulum and prostatitis. Men experiencing dribbling, especially after prostate surgery, may choose to use incontinence pads. Popular options include guards for men from brands like TENA, Depend, and Prevail. Simple ways to prevent dribbling include Kegel exercises, changing positions while urinating, or pressing on the perineum. Sitting down while urinating may also help alleviate symptoms, as studies have shown improvements in urologic parameters in this position. Post-micturition dribble is more common in males and can be caused by various conditions, such as infection or neurological disorders. Terminal dribbling, where urine continues to leak after urination, may indicate abnormal sphincter function. Medications like anticholinergics can help manage urge incontinence. Six tips to stop leaks include sitting down to empty your bladder, trying urethral milking, and waiting longer between urinations. Remember, reaching out for help is always an option. Watch to learn more about understanding and managing post-void dribbling.

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