Jewish terrorists 1946 plot to assassinate UK Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin. Mike Thomson BBC R4

6 months ago

Lehi, Irgun...
Zionist terrorists hatched plan to murder Churchill revealed almost 70 years on
Jack Malvern Monday April 04 2011, 1.01am, The Times
A plan by Zionist terrorists to assassinate Winston Churchill and other politicians is detailed in MI5 files released today by the National Archives.
Churchill was one of the targets revealed by a member of the Stern Gang arrested after it murdered Lord Moyne, the British Resident Minister, in Cairo in 1944. According to a memo sent to MI5, Rafael Sawovsky told British interrogators that his fellow agents “proposed a plan for the assassination of highly placed British political personalities, including Mr Churchill, for which purpose emissaries should be sent to London”.
The memo warned: “The terrorists may consider the extension of their activities to the UK, and while we have no reliable evidence to suggest that they are doing this at the present moment, the

A Date with Bevin
BBC Document
In 1946, the British Secret Service was concerned about a plot by Jewish terrorists to assassinate the Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin. Mike Thomson investigates.

The award-winning investigative series returns, in which Mike Thomson takes a document as a starting-point to shed new light on past events.

A Date with Bevin

Monday 24 July 2006

Mike Thomson investiagtes Jewish insurgency in Palestine after WWll and a plot to assasinate Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Earnest Bevin.Follow this link to view a gallery of images taken by Document during the making of this programme.

In 1946, not long after the Second World War was won, Britain was again under threat. Jewish insurgents, who had long been fighting a bloody insurgency campaign against British troops in Palestine, were about to take their war to London. Previously top secret documents reveal that assassination squads were being sent to the capital armed with a hit list. On it were the names of several top government figures. These included Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Earnest Bevin.

Extremist groups like The Stern Gang (or Lehi) and Irgun, were determined to end the British mandate in Palestine and replace it with a Jewish homeland. Hundreds of their fighters, along with many British soldiers, were killed or injured in a struggle that escalated after the end of the war. Desperate to achieve a breakthrough after the arrest or deaths of many of their members, the two groups set up underground cells in Britain. It wasn’t long before British security services got wind of what was happening and in early 1946 they issued this top secret internal warning:

“Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training. It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin.” 

In the months that followed a number of bombs exploded in London and an attempt was made to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane. This last effort was only stopped after French Police discovered Stern Gang members preparing to cross the channel in a plane containing a large bomb.

Mike Thomson and the Document team track down the assassin sent to kill Earnest Bevin and the man who gave him the explosives to do it.

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