Police Officer Sets Elaborate Arrest To Propose To His Girlfriend

6 years ago

This police officer deserves the badge of honor or x1,000,000 brownie points for setting up the most elaborate arrest so he could purpose to his girlfriend. Not only did he set up an elaborate arrest, he created a really awesome video that tells the full story. Our favorite police officer is SO cool until the very end of the video, which ends with the following text "NO ONE WAS ARRESTED IN THE MAKING OF THIS VIDEO!!!" Here is a breakdown of the coolest proposal you will ever see:

Chapter 1: Traffic Stop & Pat Down 101: Police sirens ring and the video fades in from black. A police officer gets out of the cop car approaches a truck and begins to interrogate a man an a woman, who we eventually find out, are actually actors.

Chapter 2: 91 enroute: An epic police car dash cam shot opens this scene as the theme from the TV show "COPS" plays in the background. The car pulls up to the same scene from Chapter 1. Inside the car is our favorite swagged out police officer and his (spoiler alert) soon to be wife.

Chapter 3: The Proposal: The soon to be groom and future police officer of the year recipient asks his wife to help him pat down the woman. She agrees and he uses that as an opportunity to pop the question.


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