POLL: MAJOR shift among Blacks & HispanicsSUPPORTING Trump, Biden's WORST Nightmare

11 months ago

Democrats and Republicans are vying for the supportof Black voters in November. This week on What'sAmerica Thinking, host Julia Manchester dives deepinto the impact Black voters will have on the 2024election. Here to break it all down is AntjuanSeawright, founder and CEO of Blueprint Strategy, andDeana Bass Williams, co-founder of Bass PublicAffairs. Plus, hear The Hill's Cheyanne M. Danielsrecap her recent event in partnership with HowardUniversity on the power of women in politics. Juliaalso goes on the record with Decision Desk HQ's ScottTranter about the latest in the 2024 presidential raceand Robert F. Kennedy Jr's surprise VP pick.

What's America Thinking? is a lively, informative showthat leans into why Americans are so fed up with thegovernment and its inability to make their lives better.We'll focus on the people behind the polls, pocketbookissues, the disconnect between Washington and MainStreet - what Americans are REALLY thinking!

Make sure to subscribe and join Julia every week asshe discusses hot-button issues and hears what America is thinking.

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