From Dawn to Dusk: A Deep Dive into the Essence of Salah || Mufti Hisham Dawood

11 months ago

Speaker: Mufti Hisham Dawood

📜 About the Speaker:
Mufti Hisham Dawood completed Ḥifẓ al-Qurʾān (the memorization of the Qurʾān) at the age of fourteen. In January of 2007 he enrolled at the Madrasah Inʿāmiyyah in Camperdown, South Africa. He completed the final three years of the ʿĀlimiyyah program at the renowned Dārul ʿUlūm Zakariyyā under the tutelage and mentorship of Shaykh al-Hadīth Muftī Riḍāʾ al-Haq who is counted among the world’s leading contemporary scholars. Mufti Hisham completed his iftāʾ studies at Dar al-Iftāʾ Maḥmūdiyyah under Mufti Ebrahim Desai and Mufti Husain Kadodia. In 2015, he joined Darul Qasim where he continues to serve as a full time member of its faculty and Dār al-Iftā department.

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