Benny Hinn Renounces Prosperity Gospel But Is Later Exposed to Show He Did Not Fully Repent

10 months ago

Benny Hinn Renounces Prosperity Gospel But Is Later Exposed to Show He Did Not Fully Repent. In the First Benny Hinn Sermon from Sept 2019 he states he will never ask people to sow seeds of $1,000 because the Holy Spirit is feed up with it. He seemed to repent of the prosperity gospel. But i have another Benny Hinn Sermon from Oct 2023 which he asked people to sow seeds of $1,000. He says "God cannot bless you with abundance and the wealth of sinners with your $10 donation". It seems Benny Hinn Ministries is still up to the same old gimmicks. Benny Hinn should be rebuked publicly and if he doesn't repent he should be put outside the Christian faith. He is also risking his eternal salvation

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